Importance of Health Care Management

It is crucial to establish efficiency in a workplace to foster a positive environment that produces good performance. Good integration of organizational theories in a health care setting is crucial. It helps enhance the management of health workers to achieve objectives and goals and ensure safety for the patients. For an organization to adapt to the ever-changing world, adjusting accordingly to suit the world’s uncertainties is necessary (Senthilkumar et al., 2018). It is therefore achievable through research and innovation. For this to be accomplished, an organization necessitates good personnel to undertake it properly. Therefore, efficient organizational approaches have to be integrated to operate effectively with minimal supervision and impeccable efforts.

From the initial paper, organizational theories were explicit if the healthcare setting achieved its goals. Consequently, the initial beliefs concerning the same have changed. The following approaches should be adopted to manage the human resource and achieve goals and objectives efficiently. For classical theory, employees are motivated by physical needs, which is the best approach to increase their performance. However, it is crucial to involve the same individuals whenever there is a need for decision-making. Here, the theory is essential as it gives them a clear chance to contribute their ideas and knowledge. It improves the relationship between the management and its employees as it heightened employees’ loyalty, hence improving healthcare and increasing motivation. The above approach is significant since it fosters a strong sense of collaboration among the employees. It also allows for everyone’s involvement as well as providing a platform for empowering and increasing the morale of the professionals.

The whole course has been fundamental as it has taught me some aspects regarding organizational management. Correct application of management approaches is beneficial for both the organization and society (Linnander et al., 2017). The course has outlined a clear picture of how to appropriately handle differing perspectives among individuals as it is prone to affect the regular operation of the workplace adversely. Given that individuals have distinct views concerning their work, it is crucial for an organization to appropriately merge its workers to focus on a common goal for goals to be met. Establishing an oversight method for good governance is imperative since it is mutual among the parties involved. Well-planned governance often has a direct success for a specific objective, and the inverse is true. Errors and faults are part and parcel of life, and therefore, whenever it happens, an appropriate route needs to be taken. The Root Cause Analysis or (RAC) is a vital way of solving issues and finding rational ideas to prevent similar occurrences.

Given the dynamics and uncertainties that arise in today’s world, for instance, the current COVID-19 pandemic, an organization must learn from it. I would intend to establish more strategies meant to suit emerging issues. In a health care setting, greater resilience on technology and remote teams should exist to establish reliable health care. On the same note, managers have to define promising approaches that will create co-location of workers to post good impacts in the organization. Therefore, it is an efficient way for flexibility and to attract and retain global talents to achieve success. In this way, managers need to find good communication as it is a strategy for success. Due to improved technology, the management in the health care setting shall be accessible with the integration of digital systems (Yamin, 2018). The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is suitable in the setting since it is fast and provides predictive data that can improve the services.

In case of an opportunity presents itself, it would be an essential way to focus on how competition among other settings could be handled strategically. Cooperative competition (coopetition) should be viewed as a viable strategy. The strategy entails leveraging the capabilities of the power competitors to lower the cost of health care appropriately, increase downstream market and put more focus on specialty services. It could be impeccably done by offloading demanding services and establishing basic primary care, non-complex diagnostic services, and management of chronic diseases.

Moreover, most health care providers have struggled to provide, and it could be a chance to perform with profitability coupled with better patient care at low costs. Furthermore, managers must expand their operations through partnership with the community. To achieve this, the health care facility could identify opportunities in which their services could be necessary and partner intentionally. For example, approximately half 50% of women at age 40 are not screened for mammograms (Dash et al., 2019). Therefore, if screening could be provided, a good number of populations would need follow-up care. Establishing a two-way relationship opens up easy access to health care and could attract more significant referrals. Thus, a successful health care setting should integrate all aspects of management harmoniously and ethically adhere to all requirements professionally. With the emergence of virtual services and the workforce, the talent in the field is fast expanding, and managers should consider adjusting to it appropriately (Khatoon, 2020). Virtual services have been witnessed to offer its services at low costs and high quality.

Therefore, there is a need to increase flexibility in the health care setting to include even the non-clinical services to project a reliable facility entirely. Today, products can be ordered and tracked the moment they are ordered up to their delivery. Unfortunately, some patients have to wait for long to get their appointments and only have a vague idea of when results will be available. I want to implement such an undertaking; however, it necessitates further research and tests to ensure its effectiveness, especially with the technology.


Dash, S., Shakyawar, S. K., Sharma, M., & Kaushik, S. (2019). Big data in healthcare: Management, analysis and future prospects. Journal of Big Data, 6(1), 1-25.

Khatoon, A. (2020). A blockchain-based smart contract system for healthcare management. Electronics, 9(1).

Linnander, E. L., Mantopoulos, J. M., Allen, N., Nembhard, I. M., & Bradley, E. H. (2017). Professionalizing healthcare management: A descriptive case study. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 6(10).

Senthilkumar, S. A., Rai, B. K., Meshram, A. A., Gunasekaran, A., & Chandrakumarmangalam, S. (2018). Big data in healthcare management: A review of literature. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Business, 4(2), 57-69.

Yamin, M. (2018). IT applications in healthcare management: A survey. International Journal of Information Technology, 10(4), 503-509.

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