Architecture: Special Features of Sankt Petersburg

Despite the current attitudes toward Russians and their history, it is hard to deny that this country has several remarkable places for fascination. St. Petersburg is one of the largest and greatest Russian cities, characterized by glorious buildings, landscapes, and other special features. After watching the offered YouTube clips picturing St. Petersburg, several meaningful observations and conclusions should be made in terms of its architecture, overall perception, and the connection between such elements as religion, history, and society.

One of the most amazing things about St. Petersburg is its location. The Neva River divides the city into several parts and explains the necessity of multiple drawbridges for connection. Whether it is a deep night or a daylight period, Russians make these bridges noticeable. The White Night season is especially attractive for tourists to observe the work of drawbridges and enjoy the environment. Much attention should be paid to St. Petersburg’s architecture, including its monumental buildings, statues, and fountains. The Hermitage Museum is one of the main features and historical centers where Russian history is preserved (Gsalmasi, 2006). The combination of religious beliefs, music, and natural pieces within different sights, like churches and cathedrals, impresses its magnificence. There are many western European elements in Russian architecture, but the authors were also able to capture the uniqueness of the region through massive constructions that protect citizens regardless of weather conditions. It is possible to find many animal statues across the city, as if they have become the most powerful guardians.

During the last several centuries, St. Petersburg has been known as the cultural capital of Russia. Thus, it is possible to find something special in almost every detail of the city. Such features as waterways, drawbridges, fountains, large buildings, and statues reveal the beauty of the nation’s religion, history, and architecture. Its culture is not only the country’s characteristic, but the heart of Russia to honor.


Gsalmasi. (2006). Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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