Art as a Form of Communication

To try and define what art or artwork is is a gargantuan task. Perhaps, more challenging than creating art or deciphering the central idea that the author put into their work. Art is extremely personal, but, at the same time, it is available to all. Art does not discriminate against those who receive the message behind it, and the message can be interpreted in a variety of ways to fit the worldview of the viewers. Thus, it can be argued that art is a form of communication that serves as a wordless message to others and the artists themselves.

It is imperative for art to be taught in schools, and it should not be abandoned in high school in favor of other academic disciplines. Knowledge of chemistry, physics, and biology is vital for many learners. However, knowledge of self and one’s emotions is essential for each and every student. As humans, we need to communicate with each other and express our feelings. Art is a perfect medium for exploring one’s own emotions through the process of creation and conveying a message that can be challenging to express in words. The therapeutic function of art is immeasurable as it allows people to become more self-aware. Moreover, as art facilitates communication, it gives us a chance to understand others better as a visual message can reveal emotions and ideas the artist may not be aware of themselves. Communication through art can reveal if students have problems that they are uncomfortable talking about and that can be addressed by faculty or family. Thus, high-school students should not be deprived of an opportunity for self-expression, and schools should actively encourage and support art programs for the sake of their learners.

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