Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons

Artificial intelligence attracts more and more attention. Bill Gates believes that among all modern innovations, AI has the most significant potential to change our lives: to make them more productive, more efficient, and easier. AI has long captured the imagination of writers and journalists. Not all people really understand what the technology is capable of and what to expect from it. However, artificial intelligence is already affecting the life of every person.

AI can make everyday life more enjoyable and convenient. Its algorithms have long been present in our lives and make them better. For example, it analyzes choices when the user is watching videos on YouTube and creates recommendations based on them for a more interesting pastime and to save time. AI can offer accessibility for people with disabilities. Virtual assistants, like Siri and Alexa, can complete innumerable tasks, from making a phone call to navigating the Internet. Those who are deaf and hearing impaired can access transcripts of voicemails. Artificial intelligence may improve workplace safety. AI is already saving lives and reducing the risk of injury in the workplace because it does not have three leading causes of human accidents in the workplace: stress, tiredness, or sick. AI robots can replace humans for especially dangerous tasks.

At the same time, AI also has its cons as it may harm the standard of living for many people by causing unemployment. Undoubtedly, it creates new jobs in the field of development and maintenance of AI, but the number of these jobs is much less than the ones it takes away. Artificial intelligence poses dangerous privacy risks. Facial recognition technology may be used for surveillance. On the one hand, this makes life safer, and on the other hand, a person can be monitored not only by state security services, but also by intruders or criminals. Moreover, artificial intelligence can be an advantage to thieves. In 2020, a group of criminals conned $35 million from a bank using AI “deep voice” technology to impersonate an authorized employee. (Brewster, 2021)

AI is definitely a huge step in global technological progress, and like any other technology, it can be both a weapon and a lifesaver. Along with the development of AI, new risks in the field of cybersecurity arise. But in my opinion, the benefits of artificial intelligence are more compelling. When used correctly, it will give all of humanity an impetus for development and will make our lives better, more comfortable, and safer.


Brewster, T. (2021). Fraudsters cloned company director’s voice in $35 million bank heist, police find. (2019). Artificial Intelligence (AI) — top 3 pros and cons.

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