Artificial Intelligence: The Articles Review

Kayaaltı, Mahmut and Kut Belenli, Pelin. “Frankenstein’s Monster As A Representative of The Threat of Modern Technology Operated by Artificial Intelligence.” The Journal of Kesit Academy, vol. 7, no. 26, 2021, pp.38-48.

This article examines and compares Frankenstein’s monster as the first equivalent of artificial intelligence and modern AI technologies to determine their safety or harm to society. Kayaaltı and Kut Belenli discuss the ethical aspects of Shelley’s monster, applying the factors of the modern world to see their similarities in AI (40-43). In addition, the authors compare the Frankenstein monster and the consequences of its creation with the supposed development of AI technology. I will use this article because, despite its topic, the author’s main point is that technology creators can make them.

Bajema, Natasha. “Beware the Jabberwocky: The AI Monsters Are Coming.” A Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) Periodic Publication, 2018, pp. 180-186. Web.

The author of this article delves into the study of science fiction and the portrayal of AI in it. Bajema cites multiple film and book examples to highlight three kinds of “monsters” that AI represents in popular culture (181-185). Although such options as “the supermachine monster” and “the automaton monster” have little in common with modern technologies, the “the data monster” is becoming more and more natural, according to the author’s findings (Bajema 184-185). This article will be used in my research as it has many examples of popular culture needed for analysis and presents a solution to overcome the “monster” of AI.

“For Artificial Intelligence to Thrive, It Must Explain Itself.” Editorial. The Economist, 2018, Web.

This article discusses one of the main flaws and fears that lead society to believe in the possibility of creating an AI monster. The authors discuss the problem that deep learning often causes machines to detect false or discriminatory algorithms for reasons scientists do not understand (The Economist). However, they also describe several methods and solutions to help resolve this issue. I will use this article to explain the basic fear of humans about the AI ​​monster and demonstrate options for solving it.

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