Aseptic Technique and Use of Media


The purpose of this lab experiment is to equip learners with essential laboratory techniques and skills employed to avoid contamination of microbial cultures by maintaining purity. This experiment will allow us to utilize an aseptic technique to inoculate a pure culture of Lyompholized Escherichia coli to broth, slants, and plate with precision by keeping the samples pure without contamination.


This experimental exercise demonstrates basic laboratory practices necessary for handling and studying various micro-organisms. To prevent contamination of microbial cultures aseptic technique was employed. Lyompholized bacterial culture was reactivated and successfully sub-cultured into the broth and on agar through the application of the Aseptic technique. Aseptic techniques are critical in laboratory experiments and tests involving microorganisms to prevent contamination and ultimate interference of test results.

To illustrate the subculturing and aseptic technique, this experiment utilized Escherichia coli. The experiment aimed at keeping a pure culture (Escherichia coli) i.e. free from any present contaminants. Basic aseptic techniques include disinfection of the working area, instrument transfer and disposal, culture tube flaming, and culture tube inoculation. (Aseptic 2) The first activity was the reactivation of E.Coli followed by aseptic transfer of the activated culture to broth culture. This was followed by the aseptic transfer of the reactivated culture from broth to slant and finally from broth culture to plate. The three separate cultures were incubated exhibiting tendencies of microbial growth in the broths during the period. After a while, cloudiness formed on the surface of the medium and later dispersed into the broth. This action is referred to as turbidity: the uniform cloudiness formed in a previously sterile medium after inoculation of a pure culture.


Aseptic practices are critical in any microbiological practices and experiments’ effectiveness. This is attributed to the fact presence of contaminants in test subjects may compromise the credibility of tests and experiments. The aseptic technique helps maintain purity cultures from other strains or species. Contaminants including unwanted bacterial and fungal microorganisms are brought about by various factors including people, the environment, and work surfaces amongst other sources. Therefore it is important to apply aseptic practices at specific stages of microbiological experiments.

Works Cited

Aseptic Technique. Media, incubation, and aseptic technique.n.d. Web.

Carolina Biological Supply. Aseptic technique and use of media: Investigation manual. Carolina Biological Supply, 2018.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Aseptic Technique and Use of Media." July 29, 2022.

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