There are multiple ways for a company to promote goods and services. Despite the growing trend to produce commercials and short clips that sometimes rival movies in terms of artistic effects, banners and other types of images continue to play a remarkable role in marketing. Moreover, it is also true in case of the Internet, as most web sources rely on small banners scattered across their pages for a steady income. A banner by Bluestep Bank from Sweden promoting a specific type of mortgage for young Swedes can be considered a prominent example of a new type of creative ads.
The advertisement aims to promote the accessibility of a mortgage. Moreover, it seeks to convey a crucial piece of information to Swedes, as Bluestep provides an opportunity to apply for a mortgage if its clients need to finance a renovation project. Despite the crucial importance of this option to thousands of people, there was little chance that they would pay attention to a banner featuring renovation. Therefore, marketing specialists had to experiment with a wide range of fonts and colors. Zhang et al. (2019) claim that congruence between color and text, essential elements of ads, allows for more attention. The pleasant green color with the yellow button on it draws attention.
The woman depicted on the banner does not face the audience, as she is concentrated on the work, which triggers the desire to find out the reasons for such enthusiasm. The minimalistic fonts and the relaxed atmosphere generally perform great in advertising materials tailored to cater to the tastes of Swedes. What is more, marketing professionals further improved the efficiency of the ad by utilizing HTML5 widgets. A person who encounters a banner on a website will likely move the cursor closer to the pleasant-looking ad. Once a cursor hovers over the banner, it is displayed as a brush, which allows to continue painting the wall. Thus, people, in most cases, instinctively help the woman with the renovation process and get a sense of engagement.
The techniques applied to create this banner taught me a lot about the crucial role of creativity in modern marketing. Moreover, brand consistency has vividly become one of the sphere’s priorities recently. The elements of style used for the ad comply with specific brand guidelines, which help to draw the attention of existing clients and promote brand awareness. Thus, the ingenious minimalist ad can efficiently promote a unique type of mortgage Bluestep Bank provides.
Bluestep Bank Sweden (n.d.). Web.
Zhang, T., Bao, C., & Xiao, C. (2019). Promoting effects of color‐text congruence in banner advertising. Color Research & Application, 44(1), 125–131. Web.