Aspects of Computer Information Security


The career which has chosen for this presentation is computer information security. It falls under the information technology cluster. Computer information security usually involves the protection, detection, and prevention of various data of entities. These may include information, mobile devices, servers, electronic systems, computers, data, and networks. They are protected from threats such as unauthorized access, theft, harm, or any kind of malicious attack. Computer information security generally includes five major components. These are integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation, availability, and confidentiality.

Skills, Abilities, and Knowledge

One needs to have both professional and personal skills in this specific line of work. As a technician, an individual needs to be attentive to detail since a little mistake might cause serious inconvenience in this field. They need to have good communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. In this field one also needs to have good problem-solving skills. A person needs to have fundamental computer forensic skills. In addition, it is important to have an in-depth understanding of hacking. In this line of work, they need to have the ability to perform actions independently with minimum to no supervision. An individual in IT needs to always be ready to learn at any given time. It is critical to attaining the ability to pay attention to detail. One is required to be knowledgeable in various subjects to be effective. For instance, one needs to have proper knowledge of network security control to know what terms like Virtual Private Networks are (Torpey, 2018). Moreover, it is necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of coding and cloud security.

Tasks and Activities

In computer information security there are IT-related tasks one is most likely to undertake on a day-to-day basis. One may have to ensure various security operations are amenable by performing occasional audits. The work may require occasionally placing and executing user access controls and pinpointing and examining management systems. They will administer extensive vulnerability management systems. One will dispose of the endpoint and detection tool. In addition, an IT specialist will observe network and application performance. They will have to work with team leads to teaching employees. An IT worker will regularly place patch management systems. Moreover, they may access different management systems. Once in a while, a tech employee will have to liaise with information technology operations to set a localized disaster recovery continuity plan. They should work with the patch management systems. Now and then one will be expected to respond to security threats and breaches.

There are many places where one can find work as a computer information security technician. Where a specialist finds work also depends on which kind of environment, they will be comfortable in. The field of work inside cyber security will also vary due to the various types and increasing frequency of cyber attacks. They can work in schools, banks, healthcare facilities, or even government organizations.

More On Computer Information Security

Salary generally will differ depending on where a technician will be working and what kinds of tasks they will do. The expected yearly though should range from 140,000$ to 200,000$ per annum. On my personal, I would advise pursuing a career in computer information security and other fields related to cyber security in any regard. This is because employment is expected to grow by about thirty-three percent in the next decade (Bureau of Labor Statistics). About 16,000 new employment openings are projected per annum. Apart from computer information technology, other career paths that I would be willing to take are a computer science or computer programming. This is because they are closely related to cyber security. They also have interesting tasks in which a specialist should use creativity and learn new coding languages. I like the idea that I need to always study, increasing my qualifications.

Education Plan

The commonly looked at requirement is that one should have a bachelor’s degree in cyber security. A degree in information technology could also be recommended. A degree in computer science or any other closely related subject could also be suitable. A school like Pierce College is one of the best colleges one can attend to attain the fore-mentioned courses (CollegeBoard College search). One also needs to have some sort of security certification such as Comp TIA Security+ which ascertains that one has the needed core skills to take on any security role. While in the upper school, one would have an added advantage if one had proper knowledge in mathematics, physics, coding, literature, engineering, and AP computer science. For a person in college, one should mainly major in cyber security, computer science, and network security to guarantee a better shot at success.

Extracurricular activities also play a major role in boosting one’s career. One should find an internship somewhere where one will get adequate experience. These can be places like Meta or Google. One should also consider getting part-time jobs as they boost your CV. Clubs like the Cloud Security Alliance where you can exchange and brainstorm ideas.


I see myself as more of a logical and detail-oriented person thus the need to analyze situations and tackle them in the best way possible to ensure the best of the best. I feel like with these attributes I have the requirements to push the cyber security field to the next step. I consider the first five years of my career as a sort of apprenticeship period, during this period I will be undertaking whatever measures necessary to better myself in this field. I will take great pleasure in the fact that I will be helping keep the cyber world a safer place thus ensuring my utmost peak performance. With all these attributes I feel that success is as good as a guarantee.


Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Information Security Analysts : Occupational Outlook Handbook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022.

CollegeBoard. “College Search – Bigfuture: College Board.” BigFuture, 2022. Web.

Torpey, Elka. “Cybersecurity Consultant : Career Outlook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.” US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018.

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