Aspects of Developing One’s Career


Developing one’s career involves a series of programs to match the requirements, abilities, and professional objectives of a person with the company’s present and emerging career options. Since professional development is concerned with preparing for the future, this has a long-term goal. Programs like these help employees become better at what they’re doing now, move up the corporate ladder, better understand their weaknesses and strengths, and improve their skills for promotion when the time comes (Shaito, 2019). However, the success of the program depends on the players’ abilities to overcome potential setbacks.

The Rationale for this Program

Although all workers need comprehensive career development programs, African American women employees are more susceptible to undesirable consequences (Xie, & Pang, 2019). Thus, it is wise for the entrusted key players to engage in interventions that would boost the employees’ self-awareness levels. Planned training will guarantee that the workers understand the distinct features of the job market, and also ensure that they acknowledge the organizational vision. Besides, it would be wise to offer incentives for reliable workers regardless of their distinct cultural backgrounds (Di Fabio, 2017). Thus, a multicultural workforce is crucial for sustainable organizational goals.

Program Standards And Learning Objectives

The endeavor will uphold all three domains of the NCDG framework: educational achievement and lifelong studying, career management, and personal-social development. Besides highlighting the specific career objectives, workers need to develop the much-needed interpersonal skills while encouraging every member to participate in the organizational decision-making roles. Finally, promoting a much-needed multicultural team is crucial for a successful endeavor (Ishak, & Kamil, 2016).


To ensure that the team realizes success in its endeavors, both the ASCA and the NCDG standards are crucial. The team members need to develop the much-needed interpersonal skills to ensure that they work together and remain self-motivated while executing their duties. Every member needs to be sure that they achieve their professional and personal aims (Di Fabio, 2017).

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 7). Aspects of Developing One’s Career.

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StudyCorgi. "Aspects of Developing One’s Career." February 7, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Aspects of Developing One’s Career." February 7, 2023.

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