Aspects of Healthcare System

The central objective of healthcare is to maintain and improve the health and well-being of the population by treating, diagnosing, and preventing numerous diseases, injuries, and physical or psychological impairments. To address its issues and tasks, the sector comprises well-maintained facilities and an appropriately-trained workforce involved in various specialized departments, including inpatient and outpatient treatment, dentistry, emergency treatment, and vaccination. However, the approaches to the delivery of medical services differ across countries based on socio-economic factors. This paper argues that healthcare service is a fundamental human right irrespective of their income or social status and should be funded by the government, but all citizens should pay affordable tax.

Unlike most other developed countries, especially those in the European continent, the USA does not possess the universal, free healthcare system serving all Americans. Instead, most citizens have public, private, or work-related insurance covering a part of expenses or a particular number of services depending on the amount of the fee. Nevertheless, according to the most recent data, uninsured individuals aged under 65 comprise an impressive 32.8 million, namely, over 12 percent of the entire population (“Health Insurance Coverage,” 2021). Such demonstrative but adverse statistic indicates that the American medical system is one of the least accessible and equitable, primarily for disadvantaged social groups and racial minorities. As a result, the rate for avoidable deaths archives 60.000 every year (Thomas, 2021). Excessively high costs also significantly contribute to the increase of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension due to lacked access to prevention and care programs.

The effective resolution to the emerged healthcare situation in the United States can be a tax-based free healthcare program covering the whole population. An example can be the United Kingdom healthcare system, almost 20 percent funded by the government budget and supervised by the Department of Health (Thomas, 2021). The UK system is currently regarded as one of the best in terms of access, quality, safety, and delivery time. In this regard, the health services should primarily include vaccinations, maternity care, preventive screening programs, inpatient and outpatient care in hospitals, palliative care, and mental health care.


Health insurance coverage. (2021). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Thomas, L. (2021). Healthcare systems around the world. News Medical.

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