Aspects of Leadership and Diversity in Company

Strong leadership and diversity control practices have become unavoidable in any company or organization determined to overcome global market challenges and create a productive working environment that fully utilizes accessible human and natural assets. Workplace diversity might be found in an organization hiring people from various cultural backgrounds, genders, and races, among other similar factors. Furthermore, a workforce with diverse skills, expertise, and experiences contributes to organizational diversity. From my observation, organizational leadership that embraces diversity and implements appropriate steps to create working conditions that are favorable to every person in an organization remains essential to the prosperity of any organization.

Even though I have not yet had an authentic experience working in an organization with employees from diverse backgrounds, I have often noticed by myself that organizational diversity leads to a positive and productive workplace. Organizational diversity is primarily concerned with establishing a lively and vibrant working environment in which everyone feels like a member of the company and has a unique role to play in achieving the organization’s common goal (Wehi et al., 2019). This is accomplished by developing a safe environment where everyone can express their opinions without fear of criticism or being perceived as weak. Organizational leadership should encourage healthy internal debate, and involving everyone in decision crafting and problem-solving instills confidence and responsibility in policymakers. This level of collaboration and unity in decision-making and problem-solving is a sign of strength. The ability of a company to adhere to its goals throughout the various levels of development, which are characterized by different challenges, demonstrates organizational strength. Moreover, a unique way of workplace and workforce organization caused by diversity implies that knowledge and skills are being applied efficiently and not unimplemented, resulting in increased productivity in the company.

Further, I have realized that organizational diversity necessitates balanced arguments and debates directed at reaching a common goal. It means that executive directors will focus much of their efforts on offering direction to maintain the rest of the policies on track to achieve their common goal. Thus, employee comfort and satisfaction will be safe from neglect, which is critical as a source of corporate strength. Organizational diversity needs to ensure having the proper pay equation, where everyone receives the same or more for their efforts. This will entice expert people to the organization while also motivating employees and thus strengthening the organization. In addition, an organization’s ability to maintain its own or to feature in a new market is a result of good and vibrant organizational diversity. Workplace diversity unquestionably constitutes a tool for leaders to achieve a company’s sustainable competitive edge. Nevertheless, one should not forget that organization members should have equal opportunities to become leaders despite the diversity in their backgrounds in terms of gender, race, or ethnicity. Therefore, leaders must work not only to remain strong leaders but also to help others in the company become them.

To conclude, while many cases can show how diversity strengthens an organization, a few of them have been reflected in this paper. According to my observations, leadership that endorses diversity and takes necessary steps to establish working practices that are beneficial to every individual in an organization is critical to the success of any organization. Hence, it is recommended that all organization leaders invest more in maintaining knowledge and incentives, training employees, promoting an open culture, and adhering to achieving organizational diversity.


Wehi, P. M., Beggs, J. R., & Anderson, B. J. (2019). Leadership and diversity in the New Zealand Ecological Society. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 43(2), 1-9.

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