Aspects of Non-Traditional Entrepreneurship


Non-traditional entrepreneurs do not meet the description of standard theories because they apply new opportunities that have not been explored before. Such an individual entrepreneur does not fit the general Schumpeterian type because his way of thinking, developing, and launching a business is innovative. Accordingly, this article explores the influence of such businessmen on the evolution of theories and analyzes the factors that stimulate them.

The Reasons for Emergence

The article refers to non-traditional forms of business considered by modern theories. It is noted that the causes of changes in entrepreneurial activity are shifts in society, which occurred along with the global crises. Thus, the increase in economic difficulties has influenced the modification of entrepreneurial practices. Accordingly, the question arose as to whether the new types of business activities are part of the public sector.

Passion and Understanding Values

At the same time, the article discusses the issues concerning the centrality of passion. It connects people’s professional and private lives and their emotions about living in a community and society. As a consequence, it produces emotion and a corporate culture that infuses a successful business. The article also focuses on the effects that passion has on customer choice. It is indicated that buyers value businesses that understand tribal priorities and meet their needs. The paper also mentions that non-traditional entrepreneurs use the Internet to verify the appropriateness of their services and products. Moreover, granting a hybrid status to business owners would enable them to be more productive.


Hence, the article reveals the conceptual material concerning non-traditional entrepreneurship and explains it. The transition to a liquid society has significant implications for the physical dimensions and subjects of economic activity. Accordingly, the paper incorporates non-traditional forms into the standard theoretical framework of business.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 10). Aspects of Non-Traditional Entrepreneurship.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Aspects of Non-Traditional Entrepreneurship'. 10 August.

1. StudyCorgi. "Aspects of Non-Traditional Entrepreneurship." August 10, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Aspects of Non-Traditional Entrepreneurship." August 10, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Aspects of Non-Traditional Entrepreneurship." August 10, 2023.

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