Evolution: Are Humans Animals?


Ever since Darwin’s theory of evolution became a significant part of science, it has sparked multiple debates that question its validity. Many people are very skeptical of such an unusual idea and they may not be accepting of the idea of humans as animals. In the following paper, I will review this perspective and expand on the two opposing viewpoints about it. Moreover, I will provide my own opinion regarding this topic.


The advantage of this perspective is that it explains the origins of humanity as a species and interprets humans as a part of a system that is beyond their understanding. We share many things in common with animals, such as eating, breathing, and reproducing. and many other functions. It explores the diversity of various species and kinds of beings while differentiating between minor differences, such as diet, habitat, and other features.

The disadvantage, however, is that the perspective of humans being seen as animals invalidate the progress humanity has made throughout history. It ignores various goals, perspectives, and thought patterns that most species are incapable of. In some way, this viewpoint can be seen as degrading to the idea of what humanity is capable of in various aspects. While some species are rather close to humans in terms of intellect and certain skills, there is no denying that it is very unlikely for them to create a civilization and society as complicated as the one humans have.

I find both of these opposing opinions to be rational in their way; however, there are some underlying complications. First of all, Darwin’s theory of evolution is the most convincing explanation regarding humans as a species and their origins. Second, some of the attempts to fully disassociating or associating humans with animals ignore the similarities the differences between humans and animals. Finally, the achievements humans have made are undeniable, which makes the debate more complicated than it seems. Thus, I find this debate to be far more complex.


In conclusion, the people supporting the idea of humans being animals may give an explanation of the origins of mankind and how it achieved its current form. However, the opposing viewpoint acknowledges that the heritage humans have created is something that will not be fulfilled by animals shortly. My opinion lies somewhere in between, as I find this conversation to be more nuanced than it may seem.

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StudyCorgi. "Evolution: Are Humans Animals?" August 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/evolution-are-humans-animals/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Evolution: Are Humans Animals?" August 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/evolution-are-humans-animals/.

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