Aspects of the Consumer Behavior Theories


Consumer behavior theories are models that aim to explain and predict how consumers make decisions and take action. They are based on psychological, sociological, and economic principles and can help businesses understand the factors that affect consumer behavior. The models applicable to marketing strategies regarding men’s skincare products include the theory of reasoned action and the psychological hierarchy of effects. These frameworks can help the company create a successful skincare product marketing plan and improve its understanding of its target audience, that is, young men.


Consumer behavior theories are not specific to any particular gender, and their principles can be applied to all customers. At the same time, certain factors influence the decision-making processes and actions of male consumers. In particular, men tend to be more influenced by functional and utilitarian considerations when selecting and purchasing products. In this regard, the theory of reasoned action can be applied as a psychological model explaining the decision-making processes of the young male audience. It emphasizes that people’s behavior is influenced by their attitudes, which include their evaluation of particular actions. Furthermore, subjective norms are a pivotal factor that defines men’s perception of how important certain behaviors are according to others. In this regard, male consumers’ choices of skincare products might be influenced by their personal needs and preferences, the recommendations of family members, friends, and skincare professionals, as well as societal expectations.


Furthermore, the psychological hierarchy of effects is another marketing theory that can be applied in the context of men’s skincare products. It states that a consumer becomes aware of a product or service, develops an interest in it, evaluates it, tries it, and finally decides to adopt it. This hierarchy of effects is essential for designing a successful marketing strategy as it highlights the main stages in consumers’ decision-making process. For men’s skincare products, it is critical to structure the marketing campaign according to the psychological hierarchy of effects theory to appeal to young male customers.

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