Aspects of the Epidemiology of Diabetes


The article discussed in this work is the one written by Nita Gandhi Forouhi and Nicholas J Wareham, Epidemiology of Diabetes. The paper provides the readers with information about diabetes mellitus, explains the types of it, shows how it varies in different groups of people, and what factors contribute to such a disease to happen. Furthermore, it writes about how to diagnose it, its aetiological factors, and how it may be possibly prevented.


Pathophysiology is relevant to the article in the way that this science concentrates on studying different kinds of diseases, how they change a human’s body, and how they must be cured. The paper gives the readers information about diabetes mellitus and shows it from different angles, which is beneficial in terms of pathophysiology. Based on the article, there are three key points that the reader may notice. Firstly, diabetes mellitus shows patterns in different categories of population, depending on such factors as ethnicity, the person’s location, age, and sex (Forouhi & Wareham, 2019). Secondly, scientists have noticed that the disease is currently rising in the population around the globe, which is a sign to prioritize diabetes in seeking a solution to the problem (Forouhi & Wareham, 2019). Thirdly, two factors that contribute to the disease happening are behavioral and genetic (Forouhi & Wareham, 2019). The presence and combination of them both lead to a higher risk of diabetes.


In conclusion, the article shows that the 10 countries with high rates of cases of diabetes mellitus are the USA, India, Brazil, China, the UK, the Russian Federation, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Germany (Forouhi & Wareham, 2019). This fact may be relevant to clinical practice in these countries and could help understand what exact factors contribute to the considerable number of cases. Additionally, understanding that a person’s location influences their health and may increase the risk of diabetes is relevant to clinical practice. This key point makes the clinician’s knowledge of the topic more profound, which leads to a better understanding of patients and more professional approaches while working.


Forouhi, N. G., & Wareham, N. J. (2019). Epidemiology of diabetes. Medicine, 47(1), 22-27. Web.

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