Aspects of the “#MeToo” Movement


Social movements have been gaining momentum worldwide as people seek to effect positive social change in their communities. One of these movements is the #MeToo Movement, which has gained considerable attention in recent years. This movement seeks to empower victims of sexual assault and harassment and to hold criminals of such acts accountable. Through various strategies, the #MeToo Movement is making a lasting impact on society. It is helping to shape a culture in which these types of crimes are no longer tolerated.


The #MeToo Movement was founded in 2006 by social activist Tarana Burke to combat the so-called culture of silence around abuse and coercion. Then it made its way into the public consciousness in 2017. The goal of the #MeToo Movement is to provide support to women who have been harassed and to provide them with tools to protect themselves and their rights in society (Murphy, 2019). The movement has successfully raised awareness of the issue and mobilized victims to speak out against their abusers (Murphy, 2019). It has also served as a platform for survivors to share their stories and to receive support from others who have gone through similar experiences.

The #MeToo Movement uses numerous strategies to achieve its goals. It motivates women and teenagers to stand up to abuse and harassment. Currently, the movement is working on actively campaigning and helping to spread information about this problem. It creates and conducts educational events and seminars to show women different strategies for standing up against harassment (Murphy, 2019). It is also working to change laws regarding harassment and abuse and motivating people to file complaints against such actions.


In conclusion, the #MeToo Movement is important in combating the so-called culture of silence and fighting against harassment and abuse. By sharing their experiences, survivors of sexual assault and harassment are helping to change the narrative and create a culture where such crimes will no longer be tolerated. With strategies of campaigning and education, the movement helps women to achieve justice and protect their rights in society. The #MeToo Movement is a powerful and influential social movement that continues transforming our society.


Murphy, M. (2019). Introduction to “# MeToo movement”. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 31(2-3), 63-65. Web.

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