Aspects of the Spirituality in Christianity


Spirituality in Christianity is a broad concept that includes the personal traits of every catholic and a collective view of the world as a place of God’s creation. There are multiple worldviews according to which spirituality can be defined as a set of values or practices like meditation to pursue so-called peace.


All those practices exist in Christianity and other moral virtues and concepts. Spirituality in this religion is primarily associated with Jesus’s teachings and his perception of life and God. These teachings claim that a person shall do two things: transform personal meaning internally and transform society into a better place, God’s kingdom of love. Spirituality is a complex set of moral values, visions, and habits resulting from transformations that form a Christian who serves people and God out of love. Spirituality is also an essential concept for Christians because it concerns societal transformations in an immense sense. In the Gospel of Mark, there are writings about how a person provides the community with a “selfless service” (Van der Merwe, 2020, p. 3). Christianity, in that sense, is about serving people and becoming spiritual because it allows an individual to become closer to God. Therefore, acts of good service for people of Christianity are natural and taught as habits from childhood. A healthcare professional with such quality will be able to assist patients, take good care of them, and look out for their best medical interests. I think that this quality, which I am cultivating in my search for spirituality, will be helpful to me in caring for the patients and ensuring that they get the treatment they seek due to my selfless service.


Although some might argue that spirituality’s direct influence on health has not been proven, which is why it should be questioned before using religion in medical practice. Many frameworks are used in the current healthcare system, and they provide effective treatment to everyone who needs it. In Canada, for instance, there has been no sufficient religious or cultural training for medical workers, and there is none today (Litalien, Atari & Obasi, 2022). In contrast, specialists in the US have been receiving such training during mandatory study at the university and consequently showed significant results in maintaining the mental health of their patients (Litalien, Atari & Obasi, 2022). Therefore, I think it is essential to study spirituality in any possible form, one of which is religion, to ensure patients’ well-being.


Litalien, M., Atari, D. O., & Obasi, I. (2022). The influence of religiosity and spirituality on health in Canada: A systematic literature review. Journal of Religion and Health, 61(1), pp. 373-414.

Van der Merwe, D. G. (2020). The Christian spirituality of the love of god: Conceptual and experiential perspectives emanating from the gospel of John. Verbum Et Ecclesia, 41(1). Web.

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