Attachment Theory and Cycle of Violence

Injuries which are mechanical, associated with sex, mental attack, and deprivation are the four kinds of violence identified by the typology of PlanStreet (2022). “Attachment theory” discusses how early childhood trauma has shaped a particular manner of relating to others. According to another idea called the “cycle of violence,” domestic abuse crosses ethnic, racial, religious, and social divides, according to another idea termed by the theory. Victims should always be treated with empathy and decency according to the basic rules of morale and ethics. They have a right to use the court system and receive speedy remedies for the injury they have suffered, which are consequently guaranteed by national legislation.

The Government and Community Level policies’ general obligation provision stipulate that each employer must provide a workplace free of recognized dangers that are likely to be fatal, bringing significant bodily injury to his employees. The process of dealing with domestic and occupational violence is substantially aided by reviewing any incidences of violence by reading current reports of incidents, first care data, and safety committee records (Dobrilova, 2022). When it comes to sociological, psychological, and environmental contributors to domestic and workplace violence, such factors as poorly lit corridors, overcrowded settings, inadequate security, and transport issues play a crucial role in causing violence.


Causes and types of domestic violence – essential guide 2022. PlanStreet. Web.

Dobrilova, T. (2022). 15 disturbing workplace violence statistics for 2022. Techjury. Web.

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