Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Recruiting Challenges


Mass media is considered to be the most influential and opinion-construction issue in modern society. The development of the new technologies leads to the problem that two schools have collided in the battle, the old and the new one. Young editors and journalists were brought up on Internet education, they are closely related to different blogs, forums and other issues, which are not understood by the old school representatives. Moreover, the development of the field suggests the rise of the competition, which, in its turn, requires the necessity to acquire the right talent and imparts the best recruitment process at ABC Australia to be one of the best news deliveries in the country.

The redundancy of the old school employees and editors

The mass media industry began its development many years ago and the openers of the industry were brought up on the principles, which were considered to be inviolable, but the development of the innovative technologies and their implementation in the news industry made those old principles irrelevant, as the new rules appeared. The changes, which appeared, created some difficulties for the old school editors, as they are unable to get used to them and continue to implement traditional principles (Creedon & Cramer, 2007 p. 143). Furthermore, the redundancy of the old school editors puts its footprint on the industry, as “old school values still held within the organization” (George, 2006, p. 160).

Acquire the right talent in the news media

Searching for the right talents is a great job to do and at the same time a very responsible job. People, who deal with news, should be “thrive on meeting deadlines and working extended hours” (Phillips & Edwards, 2008, p. 154). In addition, people should not only write correctly but also be able to attract readers’ or viewers’ attention. Searching for new talents, the news company invests in its feature and the quality of investment should depend on the quality of workers, who are involved. The best place to search for new talents is University, as young people are full of energy and new ideas, and they are better educated than the old journalists.

The best recruitment process at ABC Australia

Considering the specialization of ABC Australia, it was concluded, that it is the national broadcaster, which provides the consumers with reliable and high-quality news and information, which is interesting for people (ABC, 2008). There is a tendency to control the mass media broadcast in the favor of the political parties and providing the staff recruitment according to the party views (Louw, 2005, p. 82). ABC Australia is a free company that does not depend on any social and political changes in society. To recruit a good professional, the news company may turn to recruitment agencies, which are specialized in it. The desired person may be written to directly, or the response to the article of the desired person may be offered as the variant, moreover, some groups online may be checked (Gregory, Healy, Mazierska, 2007 p. 73).


In conclusion, ABC Australia tries to do its best in smoothing the conflicts between the old and the new journalists’ schools, acquiring the right talent in the news media, and provide the best recruitment processes to be one of the best news deliveries in the country. In general, it is hard work, which is done perfectly, relying on the fact that competition arises and news deliverers should show all their potential to be noticed and recognized in the mass media sphere. Searching for the new right talents, ABC Australia tries to improve its quality and remain interesting to people.


ABC: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (2008), Web.

Creedon, PJ & Cramer, J 2007, Women in mass communication, SAGE, New York.

George, C 2006, Contentious journalism and the Internet: towards democratic discourse in Malaysia and Singapore, NUS Press, Singapore.

Gregory, G, Healy, R, Mazierska, E 2007, Careers in Media and Film: The Essential Guide, SAGE, New York.

Louw, PE 2005, The media and political process, SAGE, New York.

Phillips, JJ & Edwards, L 2008, Managing Talent Retention: An ROI Approach, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

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