Automation in School in the 21st Century

The advancement of technology is gradually changing and reshaping the face of the 21st century. All industries, including the world of academia, are susceptible to this “bugbear”. According to Market and Research (2018), automation in the education segment is expected to grow by 47.5% through 2021. The conventional framework of the education sector comprises of the school administrators, teachers, students, and parents among other school staff. Each of these stakeholders has a role to play in both the academic and non-academic administrative activities of an institution. Automation technologies can be integrated into the functions of the before-mentioned stakeholders to improve efficiency.

For instance, academic administrators are usually responsible for back-office roles such as the shortlisting of candidates, registration of students, creation of class schedules, generation of certificates, and so on. Most of these tasks are paper-based; hence, they are considered as labor-intensive and time-consuming. Automation can promote the delivery of efficient results by quickening the pace of those roles. Moreover, for teachers, the use of technology is a bit controversial as it is has been suggested to be accompanied by job loss (Market and Research, 2018). However, teachers can employ automation in the scheduling of classes, management of attendance, and even grading of assignments.

Therefore, this will enable them to spend more time with students. Third, students are regarded as the primary beneficiaries of automated learning. Through e-learning, students can learn regardless of their geographic distances. Additionally, since automation facilitates increased time liberation for administrators and teachers, students can have more meaningful interactions and deeper experiential learning.

Apart from the processes mentioned above, there are numerous ways that automation can benefit schools. Technology is efficiently streamlining processes and managing operations in the education sector in which traditional education failed to achieve. Therefore, schools should consider embracing it to make the best out of the educational system.


Research and Markets. (2018). Artificial intelligence market in the US education sector 2018-2022. Web.

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