Autonomic Neural Control of Heart Rate

Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter produced by the parasympathetic nervous system, goes to the brain, lowering heart rate. Taking calm, deep breaths decreases blood pressure if stress, coffee, or excitement raises the heart rate. Heart rate will stay elevated no matter how long one works out. After the parasympathetic stimulus is eliminated, it takes a long time for the heart rate to rise. According to the American Heart Association, more intense workouts raise heart rate because they “stimulate” the sympathetic nervous system. Walking or running, or any other kind of cardiovascular exercise, should be part of the daily routine to assist the body get the oxygen and nutrients it needs while also lowering resting heart rate. Reduced sympathetic nervous system activity and increased parasympathetic nervous system activity are responsible for the lower heart rate and blood pressure (White & Raven, 2014). Heart rate increases during dynamic exercise are widely believed to result from a decrease in PSNS activity in the brain, no matter how much we learn about how bodies control mechanisms over time (HR). Human autonomic brain-heart rate control was studied in this study under the influence of dynamic exercise demands.

Research on baroreflex activation and autonomic nervous system pharmacological suppression, as well as previously published studies, served as the basis for this study’s data analysis. During an exercise session, there must be a functioning PSNS to maintain a stable sympathetic-vagal equilibrium. Maintaining heart rate variability in the presence of increasing exercise requires the ability of the sympathetic nervous system to control heart rate even when sympathetic nerve activity increases as a result of increased exercise. The arterial baroreflex must be reset to shift from vagal to sympathetic dominance (White & Raven, 2014). After a temporary rise in heart rate due to the exercise-induced response to an increase in workload, a subsequent surge in sympathetic tone and a further rise in heart rate is linked to the increased effort. In contrast to the control outcomes achieved by other neural control models, classical neuro control models use real-time learning techniques rather than input from the environment to acquire their control results. For natural intelligence to work at its best, many procedures are required.


White, D. W., & Raven, P. B. (2014). Autonomic neural control of heart rate during dynamic exercise: revisited. The Journal of Physiology, 592(12), 2491-2500. Web.

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