Importance of Medication Safety

The safety of administrating medication is influenced by nurses who have the authority to perform the job. They are expected to enhance safe care and facilitate a safe culture within a healthcare environment. When administrating medication, they must understand the order and ensure that it has all the necessary information to dispense medication safely. Nurses must also consider whether the order is appropriate for the client and their current situation to ensure safe administration (College of Nurses Ontario, 2022). Safety errors in medication can be reduced by developing simulated medication administration for nurses.

The main focus of nursing education is the reduction of errors and the enhancement of safety during medication administration. Nurses can be trained to deal effectively with medication errors and interruptions in a practical manner by developing medication administration that is simulated (Wagner, 2022). It is a practice that allows them to improve their reasoning and critical thinking skills for safe medication administration practices. It also helps them to safeguard the welfare of their clients and prevent them from harming them.

Medication safety is hindered by several obstacles, including differences in culture between the community and health care personnel, lack of sufficient information and competeing interests. Moreover, some nurses are unaware of the procedures and processes to follow in reporting medication incidents. The general lack of education in medication administration is a great hindrance to enhancing safety and quality (Khalil & Lee, 2018). However, these problems can be overcome by developing simulated medication administration in the nursing practice to increase knowledge and experience.

In conclusion, nurses need to develop a system of medication administration safety to prevent harming the client. They must inform their client about the medication to improve patient outcomes. Moreover, nurses must use successful strategies and systems that support safe medication administration. They need to demonstrate they have gained practical experience that aligns with the nursing profession’s central values, principles, and standards.


College of Nurses, Ontario. (2022). Medication. Retrieved from: 41007_Medication (

Khalil, H., & Lee, S. (2018). Medication safety challenges in primary care: Nurses’ perspective. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(9-10), 2072-2082. DOI:10.1111/jocn.14353

Wagner, E. A. (2022). Engaging nursing students in quality improvement: Teaching safe medication administration. Journal of Nursing Education, 61(5), 268-271.

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