Barack Obama: A Leader’s Psychological Portrait

Barack Obama

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, in the United States of America, on August 4, 1961. His full name is Barack Hussein Obama II. From 2009 to 2017, Barack Obama served as the 44th president of the United States (Barker, 2018). Additionally, he was the first African American to hold the president’s office in the United States. From 2005 to 2008, Barack Obama served as the senator for Illinois in the US Senate before winning the presidential election. Barack Obama’s outstanding efforts to advance diplomacy, international collaboration, and racial harmony among Americans earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 (Barker, 2018).

Psychoanalytic Approach by Freud

According to Freud’s personality theory, the psyche is split into the ID, ego, and super-ego, three primary significant portions. He noted that these tripartite structures emerged at various times during human life. Furthermore, these components are systems that just fall under the category of brain or physical components. The id may be referred to as the instinctive and primal component of the brain that contains aggressive and sexual desires (Bloch et al., 2019). The super-ego also serves as a moral conscience since the brain has hidden memories, and the ego is the most realistic component that mediates between the wants of the ID and the super-ego.

The Five-Factor Model

The big “five” are a group of five distinguishing domains or characteristics that make up the five-factor model of personality. These “big five” traits include conscientiousness, extraversion, openness, neuroticism, and agreeableness. First of all, extremely extroverted people are outgoing and outspoken as opposed to quiet and introverted. Second, those with nice personalities are helpful and courteous rather than obnoxious and hostile. Thirdly, rather than being unorganized and easily distracted, conscientious people are regarded to be task-focused and tidy. Fourthly, emotional resiliency is the reverse of how neurotic individuals often cope with their feelings, which include aggravation, despair, and worry. Last but not least, open people frequently have a wide range of interests, are sensitive to aesthetics and the arts, and value procedure.

Application of the Five-factor Model by Barrack Obama

Barack Obama’s impact on women’s concerns is complex, but it’s also quite positive. During his term as president, he did not do anything to support women’s reproductive rights. After that, other Republicans seized control of the state legislatures and passed thousands of legislation restricting abortion. In an insightful and appealing article, Obama outlined his motivations for becoming a feminist and argued that men should value feminism just as much as women do. Since Barack Obama possessed the requisite leadership skills, he was a motivating leader and a respected role model (Farmer, 2019). The team leadership paradigm was included in these leadership attributes. Obama was a strong leader who paid close attention to dedication, reform, and equality.


Barker, L. A. (2018). The Michelle Obama effect on the self-concept of African American girls. PsycEXTRA Dataset. Web.

Bloch, K. R., Taylor, T., & Martinez, K. (2019). Playing the race card: White injury, white victimhood and the paradox of color-blind ideology in anti-immigrant discourse. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(7), 1130- 1148. Web.

Farmer, A. D. (2019). Jeanne Theoharis, A more beautiful and terrible history: The uses and misuses of civil rights History. New York: Beacon Press, 2018. Pp. 244. The Journal of African American History, 104(4), 697-699. Web.

Souza, P., photographer. (2009) Official portrait of President-elect Barack Obama / Pete Souza., 2009. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, Web.

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