Basic Principles of Competent Communication


Effective interpersonal communication is a critical component evidenced in a failure to communicate. The two individuals present in the video face a myriad of communication problems. While many people do not have good skills in this sector, developing them can boost one’s communication capacity. Interpersonal communication is an integral part of the development and a necessary component of peaceful existence.

Miscommunication Instances in A Failure to Communicate

Communication is a critical component evidenced in a failure to communicate. The young Muslim girl has a problem communicating by rushing without discerning if the woman she speaks to understands her. It is crucial to note that people may have different languages (Bevan, 2020). The woman in the video requires a communication device to understand people that have covered their mouths (Legrand, 2011). The Muslim girl is bound by religion to maintain her face covering. Additionally, the video illustrates the effect of one’s environment in mitigating proper communication. The train passing by limits the young girl’s potential to talk with the deaf woman until her communication device dies.

Basic Principles of Effective Interpersonal Communication

Effectiveness dictates that a person can gain what they need from any interaction. Achieving a collective meaning with others so that each party understands the encoded message includes various intentions or goals within the interaction (Bevan, 2020). Appropriateness is another crucial principle of interpersonal communication. It involves considering the norms, expectations, and rules in any interaction.

It is crucial to note the characters in the video take responsibility for their behavior. For instance, the young Muslim girl does not defend her actions after realizing the woman she spoke to was deaf. The woman has excellent communication skills as she can either read lips or use a device to communicate with others. In this instance, she shows empathy for others’ preferences, where the Muslim girl cannot remove her hijab to talk (Legrand, 2011). Therefore, the situation would have worked well if the communications device did not shut down. After the device died, the young girl showed proper communication skills using gestures and shared meanings to communicate with the woman. Nonetheless, it is prudent to discern the woman may not communicate using the same language and gestures as the young girl. She may have trouble recognizing the young girl’s depiction of a valley, indicating a major barrier to effective communication. Additionally, the characters listen and evaluate the message before responding. While the communication begins roughly, the two characters do not interrupt one another and communicate well despite the barrier involved.

Shannon-Weaver’s model of communication illustrates that noise may come from the background. The deaf woman in the video uses a communication device affected by any sound, including it in the translation (Legrand, 2011). It is crucial to determine that noise in this instance is unavoidable. For instance, the Muslim girl cannot remove her face covering, limiting the deaf woman’s ability to interpret her words without the communications device. In this way, the best way to overcome noise would be for the woman to ensure the device’s charge can last for as long as she needs it outside the home.


Conclusively, effective interpersonal communication is a major component of any good system and requires honing to eliminate issues. The deaf woman and Muslim girl face various challenges but overcome them and effectively transmit information to one another despite major issues. Developing an effective system necessitates one to understand the environment and deal with noise while ensuring all parties remain grounded in the narrative to prevent communication from breaking down.


Bevan. (2020). Introduction to Interpersonal Communication. Zovio.

Legrand, T. (2011). A Failure to Communicate

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