Becoming an Organ Donor After the Death


Transplanted organs save lives every day, yet doctors often have to lose precious time seeking a viable organ due to a lack of donors. Organs may be donated at any point in one’s life, yet many do not consider this possibility due to insufficient knowledge or misled opinions. In this essay, I would like to discuss why I would pledge to become a donor after death.

Why to become a donor after death

It is difficult to argue with the fact that one’s health is priceless and cannot be given away. Helping others to achieve well-being is considered a good deed in any culture. Alas, there are many myths surrounding this pledge, such as the possibility of doctors not being diligent enough in saving a patient whose organs are needed by someone else (“Organ donation facts,” n.d.). Giving one’s organs after death is not a popular way to alleviate others’ suffering. At the same time, donating organs is a way to help others who have lost all hope, and no religious reason prohibits one from saving others (“Organ donation facts,” n.d.). It may be seen as imperative for people to register as donors as long as they have no severe diseases that prohibit their organs from being used for transplantation.


In conclusion, I would gladly agree to give away my organs after being pronounced dead to save the lives of others. Modern healthcare facilities consider all possible factors when a transplantation surgery is needed and eliminate the possibility of harming a donor. Since my physical condition allows me to become an organ donor, I do not see any barriers that prevent me from saving someone’s life and I will recommend others to consider a similar pledge.


Organ donation facts. (n.d.). Organ Donation India.

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StudyCorgi. "Becoming an Organ Donor After the Death." May 11, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Becoming an Organ Donor After the Death." May 11, 2023.

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