Benefits and Drawbacks of Hiring Inexperienced and Experienced Employees

It is safe to say that the staff is a crucial element of any organization. This statement is relevant for both local small businesses and transnational corporations. The hiring process of inexperienced and experienced employees determines the company’s future performance, and hiring both of these groups has its benefits and drawbacks. The knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring inexperienced and experienced employees allows Human Resource Managers to not only maintain but also improve the company’s performance.

One of the advantages of hiring inexperienced employees is that they require lower salaries since they need workplace experience more than money. Another benefit is that the Human Resource Manager can form a loyal team from a group of new inexperienced employees (4 Corner Resources, 2019). However, due to their lack of workplace experience and practical skills, they are more susceptible to workplace stress, namely role overload (Aamodt, 2010). It is also worth noting that new and inexperienced employees are less adaptive to the organization’s internal culture, which can negatively affect the company’s performance.

It is obvious that experienced employees have more skills and are more aware of the basics and features of their professional field. Researchers note that “they effectively fill the skills gap within your organization and often bring strong communication and leadership skills to the table” (4 Corner Resources, 2019, para. 5). Although experienced employees are more resistant to occupational stress, they are more susceptible to organizational one, unlike inexperienced employees. Skilled employees are particularly vulnerable to stressors, such as person-organization fit, relationships with others, and change (Aamodt, 2010). Another significant drawback that should be mentioned is that highly qualified professionals require high salaries.


Aamodt, M. G. (2010). Industrial/organizational psychology: An applied approach (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.

4 Corner Resources. (2019). Hiring experienced vs inexperienced employees — which is better? 4 Corner Resources. Web.

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