Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering implies the scientific practice of adding DNA to living organisms to create new traits that do not exist naturally. In recent years, it has attracted particular attention as a substantive number of people believe that natural processes should not be interfered with. However, from a personal perspective, genetic engineering has multiple benefits that contribute to the improvement of life quality. First of all, the development and implementation of genetic engineering may help to combat and defeat multiple serious diseases. For instance, hereditary diseases caused by the presence of defective genes may be altered through the creation of new defensive genes. The potential increase of people’s physical characteristics and lifespan may be regarded as another advantage of genetic engineering as it is able to speed the process of natural adaptation to new conditions and diseases.

Genetic engineering may be regarded as a potential solution to the issue of food scarcity and malnutrition as it may be applied to crops. Genetically modified plant breeding enhance the characteristics and nutrition value of plants, improves their tolerance to diseases and changing environmental conditions. For instance, genetically modified papaya resistant to papaya ringspot virus “has been cultivated for human consumption in the USA for more than a decade” (Kanchiswamy et al., 2015, p. 62). Moreover, while ordinary fruits and vegetables are suitable for specific temperatures, genetically improved plants may grow in other climate zones. Crops with modified nutrition value may be distributed to regions with people who suffer from malnutrition in order to improve their health.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 2). Benefits of Genetic Engineering.

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