Beverage Catering in Hospitality Business


Hospitality businesses implement strategies that promote continuous sustainability across seasons for competitive advantage and growth. Sustainable business practices involve the integration of services and products to meet client’s needs under one roof and for a long period. Beverages serve the basic component in the majority of hospitality businesses, and they range from refreshments; morning and midday servings of coffee and tea to evening and late-night meal accompaniments, to mention a few. Visiting clients prefer beverages served at different times and in different proportions thus necessitating the firms to identify specific needs and act accordingly.

Beverages in Hotels

Hospitality businesses provide accommodation services whereby clients can spend time in hotels, motels, and restaurants and provide them with beverages that meet particular needs. For instance, during the nights, it is recommended that the businesses serve the best refreshments to the clients while observing their cultural backgrounds. For example, if the clients do not take carbonated products such as bottled soda and beer, it would be prudent for the businesses to offer fresh- fruit juice or a combination of other refreshments during the night period.

During the morning hours, the businesses can strive to offer the best combination of beverages for breakfast still adhering to the cultural backgrounds. In the service industry, consumer satisfaction is the utmost goal, and the firms need to allocate their resources to achieve it (Sloan, Legrand, and Chen 2). In this case, for example, the success of the firm will be determined by the client’s comeback for the same services. If the client was not satisfied, say the firm did not match the client’s needs in their services; the client might complain at the spot or may opt to visit business’ competitors who offer the same product.

The success of the hospitality business relies on the integration of its services more so in the reception department that addresses the client’s concerns (Katsigris and Thomas 12). The majority of these businesses serve beverages at the reception as a warm welcome to the client that is a boost to the identification of the client’s immediate needs. It also helps the clients to explain their personal expectations of the services offered and serves as a bargaining platform. Aspects of failure come into play when the combination of the offered beverages does not meet the basic objectives of satisfying the client’s tastes and preferences over a given time.

For example, clients will prefer a different combination of beverages and refreshments across the seasons and in different locations. In such a case, some will prefer tea in the morning, bottled soda in the afternoon and maybe a beer in the evening hours at outlet A, and a different combination at outlet B during a given season. Therefore, the research and development departments in these businesses need to identify the best combination of preferences for the clients in a given season and ensure effective support from other departments. Furthermore, the service industry needs to conform to the increasing demands and client’s ever-changing tastes and preferences to sustain operations in the long term.


Serving beverages in the hospitality industry may seem insignificant to the majority of businesses depending on the scope and nature of operations. Clients might not have much time to sit around while consuming the services, but a glass of juice or a cup of coffee influences interactions and client’s perceptions of the service or the service provider. In addition, for restaurants and hotels, serving the clients with the best combination of beverages contribute to the ultimate consumer satisfaction and to the success of the industry.

Works Cited

Katsigris, Costas, and Thomas,Chris. The Bar & Beverage Book. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons, (2007). Print.

Sloan, P. Legrand, W. and Chen, J. “Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry”: Principles of Sustainable Operations. London: Routledge. (2013). Print.

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