Beyond the Game: Future Trends in Sports Promotion


Selling and promotion in sports have been the center of attention of many sports management resources since the industry is growing intensively. BeyondTheMatch website gathered multiple trends related to content marketing and digitalization that are likely to bring success to the organizations that will be ready to implement them. Even though the mentioned methods are thought of as a broken record, they remain the driving force of future sales and promotion trends in sports.

Main body

Content marketing has long been used for promoting sports activities, specifically on social media. By engaging celebrities in advertising, different organizations, such leagues as the NBA or NHL, have managed to increase ticket sales (Kundu, 2021; McIntire, 2022). Nowadays, this strategy is changing, and the trend for the future is to mix the content. Instead of presenting multiple posts with match results, content creators should issue storytelling, interactive games, giveaways, and other activities for followers (McIntire, 2022; Vashist et al., 2021). Such a way of media development is supposed to boost the brand’s recognizability.

The other trend that is gaining much attention is the utilization of virtual reality. Sports companies can start developing VR games for different target groups (McIntire, 2022). 3D reality is no longer a fantasy, and major brands should begin implementing these advances to gain revenue from other sources (McIntire, 2022). Such an approach is likely to result in high sales as people are obsessed with new and trying technologies.


In summary, multiple trends are being introduced in the sports industry due to its ever-growing influence on different generations. Content development is one of the key trends for the future because it enables promotion and attracts new audiences. What is more, virtual reality is a way to increase sales since VR games are in demand nowadays. Therefore, by combining new technologies and sports, it is possible to create 3D activities.


Kundu, S. (2021). Digital marketing trends and prospects: Develop an effective digital marketing strategy with SEO, SEM, PPC, digital display ads & email marketing techniques. BPB PUBN.

McIntire, H. (2022). 22 Sports marketing trends to watch out for in 2022. BeyondTheMatch. Web.

Vashist, S., Burke, R., & Alok, F. (2021). Latest trends in digital marketing. Independently Published.

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