Bible Classes, Blessings for Public Schools

Religion plays a central role in the overall development of society and an individual’s morality. The Christian religion, in particular, can be considered as a source of many essential human values. It forms a social and civilizational basis of the Judeo-Christian value system, which promoted the correct societal structure. The Bible needs to be taught at public school, because it gives students a religious literacy, allows them to think in metaphorical terms, and strengthens the faith of Christian students.

Bible is a centerpiece knowledge material of the entire Christian religion, which delves into a wide range of topics starting from the origin of creation to Jesus’s teachings. Both theist and atheist students will greatly benefit from learning about the Bible with correct interpretations. It is stated that such classes help to develop spiritually mature adolescents (Horan, 2017). Usually, the students at public schools and schools, in general, are not old enough to make life-changing choices of adhering to the religion. Regardless of whether or not a person is Christian, religious, or atheist, he or she will become more religiously literate. However, it is also important to preserve the diversity of religious education in order to prevent secularism (Bradstock, 2015). In addition, a student will have access to a proper interpretational version of the Bible, which will remove any misunderstanding and out-of-context misunderstanding. Lastly, such a class will improve a Christian student’s faith and allow unknowledgeable students to learn about a Christian god.

In conclusion, it is important to note that religious education is not an outdated practice, and it still provides a wide range of benefits for both people of faith and atheists. During the Bible classes, a student will become more literate in theology and religious philosophy. One’s critical thinking will also improve due to the complex nature of interpretations. Christian students will deepen their faith and knowledge about their Lord.


Bradstock, H. (2015). Religion in New Zealand’s state primary schools. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 36(3), 338-361.

Horan, A. P. (2017). Fostering spiritual formation of millennials in Christian schools. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 26(1), 56-77.

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