Black Ghettoes and Racial Residential Segregation

Although America is actively combating all racial discrimination, racial segregation is still a reality in several issues. One of the modern examples of interracial discord is the ghettos. A ghetto refers to an area where the country’s black population lives, separated from the rest of the city. Such sites create several problems, chief among them being racial discrimination (Hutchinson, 2018). This leads to mistrust and stereotyping on each side of this conflict. It is important to emphasize that the ghettos did not emerge and grow stronger at any time but over a long period. Nevertheless, it is a relic of the past that must be eliminated.

It is common for ghetto inhabitants to go to separate kindergartens, stores, and clinics. This way of life creates a distorted worldview in children and adults alike, passively promoting racial differences. The modern promise is to combat this phenomenon. One of the most effective ways would be to resettle ghetto residents around the city, integrating them into an interracial society (Hutchinson, 2018). This method can be called the safest and most modern for several reasons, for example because of its humanity. Ghetto residents are not left without a home; in addition, they feel cared for and needed. In other words, they do not form the prejudice that society and the government do not care about the lives of black people (Hutchinson, 2018). Another reason is the elimination of prejudice. Including black children in preschools and common schools allows individuals to adjust from an early age to other races and ethnicities, thereby achieving equality and eliminating discrimination. The last advantage of this method is correction of the financial situation. In the city outside the ghetto, there are many more job opportunities and social connections. This, in turn, will lead to a better quality of life for the discriminated population (Hutchinson, 2018). For employers, additional workers will also be an advantage, as they will fill vacancies.


Hutchinson, R. (2018). The ghetto. Contemporary global issues and controversies. Taylor & Francis.

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