How Many Pages Is 1250 Words? Essay Examples & How-to-Write Guide

How Many Pages Is 1250 Words? Essay Examples & How-to-Write Guide

A 1250-word essay takes about 4.5 double-spaced pages. A paper of this length may belong to almost any genre: argumentative, persuasive, classification, etc.

How long does it take to write 1250 words with and without research? What does an assignment of such a size look like, and how many references should it contain? The guide below aims to answer these and other questions. It also includes 1250-word essay examples for your inspiration.

🧩 1250 Word Essay Structure

A well-structured essay makes it easier for a reader to follow your logic and comprehend your viewpoint. Overall, a 1250-word paper has the same structure as any other essay: an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.

This image shows the 1250-word essay structure.

1250 Word Essay Introduction

Your introductory paragraph should take approximately 100-150 words. An introduction informs the readers on the topic of your work, piques their curiosity, and persuades them to read on.

There are 3 crucial elements of an effective introductory paragraph:

  1. Hook. The hook is the first sentence of an essay that aims to catch readers’ attention. You can use a shocking fact, an anecdote, or a question to create a powerful hook.
  2. Background information. Further, the introduction should briefly discuss the topic’s history or the root cause of the problem addressed in the essay.
  3. Thesis statement. It is the last sentence in the introduction, which conveys your main argument and directs the ideas within the work.

To make a compelling introduction, you should create some intrigue, demonstrate your knowledge of the subject, and be brief.

1250 Word Essay Body

The main body is where you present your arguments. A 1250-word essay should have at least 5 body paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 100-200 words (4-8 sentences) long, focus on one idea or aspect of the issue, and include 4 crucial components:

  • main argument;
  • supporting evidence;
  • transition sentence.

However, the main components of body paragraphs may differ depending on the essay type.

  • Argumentative essay. Argumentative essay body paragraphs explain why you support your thesis. Each paragraph has the following:
    • A topic sentence linked to your thesis.
    • Evidence supporting your claim (statistics, research findings, examples, etc.)
    • A concluding sentence wrapping up the paragraph.

You should also include a paragraph addressing the opposing view to make your writing objective.

  • Narrative essay. The main body of a narrative essay:
    • Starts with the description of essential details, such as the setting, main characters, etc.
    • Tells the story up to the climax.
    • Ends with the resolution of the story.
  • Expository essay. The main body of an expository essay explains a topic using facts and examples. Each paragraph contains the following:
    • A topic sentence linked to the thesis.
    • Supporting details (examples, personal experiences, statistics, etc.)
    • Transition to the next paragraph.

1250 Word Essay Conclusion

A conclusion allows you to have the final say on the topic, highlight the value of your ideas, and give your reader a fresh perspective on the subject. The last paragraph of a 1250-word essay takes about 100-150 words. It should comprise a rephrased thesis, a summary of the main ideas, and a closing statement.

Take the steps below to write a perfect conclusion for your essay:

  1. Refer back to the introduction’s primary message.
  2. Give a brief overview of the paper’s main ideas.
  3. Offer a plan of action, a resolution to a problem, or suggestions for future research.
  4. Indicate the practical implications of your findings.

📃 1250 Words to Pages

An essay of 1250 words can look different, depending on its formatting and structure. Below, you’ll learn how long a 1250-word paper is with various page layouts.

This image shows 1250 words in pages.

1250 Words Single Spaced

The page count depends on the font family, font size, page margins, and line spacing. A typical single-spaced page typed in the 12-point Times New Roman font comprises roughly 550 words. As a result, 1250 words are approximately 2.2 single-spaced pages.

1250 Words Double Spaced

Double-spacing is a standard for student papers. Also, colleges and universities usually require 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font and 1-inch margins on all sides. If you use these parameters, the page count of your 1250-word essay will be about 4.5 double-spaced pages.

1250 Words MLA Double Spaced

MLA is one of the most common formatting styles for college papers, especially for essays in literature. The MLA format requires a 12-point font size, 1-inch margins, and a page header with the author’s last name and page number in the upper right corner.

One feature of the MLA format is in-text citations in the body of the paper. They include the author’s name and page number put in brackets. In-text citations are placed at the end of each sentence containing information borrowed from sources. As a rule, they are included in the total word count, but your professor may instruct you otherwise.

In addition, all sources cited in the text should appear on a separate page titled “Works Cited.” The number of references may vary depending on the type of essay and your instructions. A paper of 1,250 words usually requires 4-5 sources. “Works Cited” adds at least a page to the length of your 1250-word essay.

📝 What Does a 1250-Word Essay Look Like?

Wondering what does a 1250-word essay look like? Check the breakdown of the Monitoring Toddlers, Technology, and Education essay example below!


  1. Hook. In your first sentence, you should grab readers’ attention with a statement connected to your topic.


Nowadays, various technologies are used to educate children of all ages in schools.

  1. Background Information. Further, introduce the problem you’ll discuss in the essay.


Their convenience has led many parents to resort to different child-oriented electronic tools… However, young children are highly impressionable, so parents should monitor and guide them.

  1. Thesis Statement. End the introduction by stating the main argument you will prove in the paper. Your thesis should be specific and take a stand.


Therefore, people should exercise caution when using digital media for child education because its overuse can negatively affect children’s sleep, physical health, and development.

Body Paragraphs

  1. First Body Paragraph. A compelling body paragraph should contain (1) a topic sentence, (2) an argument, (3) evidence, (4) an explanation of the evidence, and (5) a concluding sentence.


(1) Digital media, especially those directed at children, tends to be highly stimulating. (2) Children may have difficulty falling asleep because of increased mental activity after watching TV. (3) According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “young children with more media exposure … sleep less and fall asleep later at night.” (4) This tendency is disturbing because toddlers require much sleep to grow, as the growth hormone is only created while the child is resting. Hence, insufficient sleep can undermine toddlers’ development. (5) The problem can be addressed by preventing the child’s exposure to digital media in the evening.

  1. Second Body Paragraph. Follow the same structure for each paragraph. Remember to focus on one idea at a time.


Another aspect of digital media usage, which can affect both children and adults and interferes with sleep, is blue light… Children should not be exposed to digital tools in the evening due to potential sleep issues.

  1. Third Body Paragraph. Ensure your paragraphs are organized logically. In this essay, the author arranged ideas according to the scheme “problem → explanation → solution.”


Digital media often require people to remain still, usually sitting down in front of the screen. Prolonged media exposure can lead to children’s insufficient physical activity, ultimately causing them to gain weight… The most effective solutions are limiting children’s digital media consumption or paying attention to their weight.

  1. Fourth Body Paragraph. Use linking words to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs.


With that said, it is often challenging to determine whether a child is overweight before the issue develops to a dangerous degree… Furthermore, parents should ensure that their children receive ample physical exercise…


  1. Restated Thesis. Refer back to your thesis, but do not use the same words.


While there are benefits to using electronic tools in educating small children, they are often offset by the issues they create.

  1. Summary of Main Points. Briefly remind your audience what you’ve covered in your paper.


Digital media for small children tends to be highly stimulating, and screens generate blue light. Both interfere with sleep, which is essential for growth…

  1. Closing Statement. Give your readers a sense of closure.


Thus, people should be extensively educated on the dangers of electronic devices and their proper usage in educating small children.

✍️ How to Write a 1250 Words Essay

Follow the steps below to write an A-grade 1250-word essay!

Step #1: Choose the topic.

  • Take notes on everything that comes to your mind.
  • Use clustering or mind mapping to come up with some fresh ideas.
  • Pick a topic that is neither too wide nor too narrow.

Step #2: Do the research.

  • Search your topic online or go to your university library.
  • Evaluate your sources and choose the most credible and relevant ones.
  • Determine what information from each source you will cite in your paper.

Step #3: Create a brief outline.

  • Indicate your main ideas.
  • Add supporting information.
  • Make notes on potential transitions between paragraphs.

Step #4: Write a first draft.

  • Write, even though your first sentences are far away from perfect.
  • Use your research findings in your essay without plagiarizing.
  • Write until you have covered all your points on the subject.

Step #5: Proofread your work.

  • Take a break after finishing your essay.
  • Revise the essay for grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Verify that you’ve correctly formatted your writing.
  • Ask someone else to read your work.

How Long Does It Take to Write a 1250-word Essay?

If you are entirely focused on your 1250-word essay, writing it may take 3-4 hours. However, the writing time also depends on the topic’s complexity, the author’s research skills, and the essay type. For example, persuasive and argumentative essays may take 6-8 hours, while narrative and classification essays take up to 3 hours.

📚 1250 Words Paper Examples

🔗 References