Florida Nursing Board: Legal & Ethical Insights


The Board of Nursing website in the state of Florida contains useful information that the local population can access for free. This resource publishes professional data that medical personnel should read to be aware of new standards and laws. Moreover, regular citizens might find out about different events and essential news that might concern every citizen’s health. The following paper will discuss and analyze ethics and legality aspects of the official Board of Nursing website in Florida.


The Board of Nursing website’s primary purpose is to provide useful information with the help of its licensed members. However, many medical services became available due to the online source mentioned above. For instance, it informs regular citizens about every significant change and updates in nursing practice (“The board”, 2017). Moreover, it provides people with data about various applications or forms that might be needed during treatment processes (Butterworth & Faugier, 2013). Another important service implies the schedule of all professional and educational meetings.

The aforementioned website has a wide variety of resources. For instance, clients or patients might download such documents as different forms and requests required by doctors, education & training program applications, and many other rules, statuses, and important laws or regulations (“The board”, 2017). This option is very useful for the audience because it helps to avoid long lines in hospitals.

It would be proper to mention that the process for a revoked license is accurate here, as all the applications received by the Board of Nursing website’s members in Florida are constantly reviewed within the next thirty days. Nursing impostor remains under the control of high standards, which means that it cannot be implemented and witnessed here. Moreover, the decree of censure is reduced to the possible minimum, as it does not correspond to basic nursing ethical norms.

The communication process between the Board website and nurses in the state of Florida is very convenient, as medical workers can find every document or law that they might need for their professional activity here (“The board”, 2017). Moreover, in case of certain misunderstandings, nurses are allowed to contact members of this website by sending an e-mail to their address. Various communication processes between the board and the public are very efficient because all answers to the most popular questions are published on the site, which guarantees high-quality assistance to new people on this resource.

The Board of Nursing site in Florida plays a significant role in education as well, as its servers contain and deliver useful data that is sometimes essential for students who obtain degrees in nursing at the moment. Therefore, they can easily access all the necessary laws and standards of their future occupations (“The board”, 2017). Also, this site plays a major role in resolving various ethics issues, as it contains all the governmental regulations that describe standards of nurses’ behaviors at their working places. This strategy helps to prevent unexpected conflicts among medical personnel and patients because people should respect one another under any circumstances.


The role of the Board of Nursing website in Florida is tremendous in legal and ethical issues, as every problem or misunderstanding that might arise in practice is already covered here. Moreover, official documents presented on this website describe nurses’ behavior standards that must be followed in unordinary situations at hospitals. Therefore, this platform is very useful for nurses’ education, as its administration can provide all the required data or help with understanding the recourse’s interface or functions.


Butterworth, T., & Faugier, J. (2013). Clinical supervision and mentorship in nursing. Cheltenham, UK: Stanley Thornes.

The board. (2017). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Florida Nursing Board: Legal & Ethical Insights'. 31 December.

1. StudyCorgi. "Florida Nursing Board: Legal & Ethical Insights." December 31, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/board-of-nursing-website-its-ethics-and-legality-aspects/.


StudyCorgi. "Florida Nursing Board: Legal & Ethical Insights." December 31, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/board-of-nursing-website-its-ethics-and-legality-aspects/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Florida Nursing Board: Legal & Ethical Insights." December 31, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/board-of-nursing-website-its-ethics-and-legality-aspects/.

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