Boris Johnson’s Leadership Discussion

Boris Johnson’s Leadership Style

Good leaders are those who commit to creating change and impacting lives positively. Boris Johnson was a British Prime minister serving in the conservative party and became a remarkable leader in the United Kingdom’s history. He was inaugurated in July 2019 and served for three years before resigning for multiple controversies that tarnished his reputation 1. However, he was a good leader considering that he supported various developments in the country alongside many other reforms that justified the efficacy of his leadership 1. Boris served as a British journalist before gaining power and this made his presence felt in the political arena1. The biggest strength of Johnson’s leadership is his ability to communicate effectively and natural charisma which has enabled him to connect with the general public and align them to his vision. His focus on helping the people of UK was also significant in supporting his leadership because he became a leader of the people 1. Boris Johnson was a strong advocate of free-market economics considering that he was a passionate believer in economic freedom and became a vocal supporter of deregulation and lower taxes1. His policies aimed at increasing economic growth and creating jobs which made him a good leader considering that he focused on delivering his duties to the people.

Reforms Supporting Boris Johnson’s Effective Leadership

Boris Johnson was a strict politician and this made him make tough decisions which supported his leadership strength. The prime minister implemented a number of policies that have been beneficial to the UK economy. He has pushed for tax cuts which were to ensure that every citizen pays their taxes based on the worldwide income rate meaning that low income earners would be taxed on a lower scale 1. His focus on development of infrastructure was to unlock economic growth and creation of employment and this indicated significant leadership focused on enhancing the lives of the people 1. Additionally, he introduced the Brexit deal which was an integral proposal for the UK to leave the EU without any deal 1. This strategy would enhance trade and other freedom which would promote better engagements and deals. His vision for the country indicated an individual who was after the country’s success and growth depicting him as a good leader.


Senior, C., Stewart, P., Bucy, E., & Lee, N. Performance, Politics and Boris Johnson’s Brexit. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, no. 709756, 2021.

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