Brain Disorders’ Effects on Human Health

Symptoms of Depression

  • Negative moods.
  • Lack of interest in usual activities.
  • Troublesome sleeping.
  • Lack of appetite, which may cause weight loss.
  • Fatigue usually accompanied by low energy.
  • Slowed physical movements/inactivity.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Reduced or complete lack of concentration.
  • Hopelessness.
  • Recurrent thoughts about death.

Effects of Long-Term Depression on Health

Long-term depression causes persistent pain lasting for days regardless of its source. It also causes chronic fatigue, which is a prolonged condition of insufficient energy, sometimes accompanied by enervation. Also, long-term depression causes low libido. Men have erectile dysfunction while their female counterparts are not easily aroused during sex. Other effects include panic attacks in which there is an abrupt and aggravated sense of fear or anxiety (Luderer & Schulz, 1995, p. 231). Lastly, long-term depression aggravates the short-term effects of depression.

Psychological and Organic Disorders of the Brain

Organic disorders are conditions brought about by damage to brain tissues. The disorders affect cognition, which means the order of events followed during perception, thinking, learning, and memorization is altered leading to depression (Martin, 1986, p. 147). A psychological disorder (mental illness) on the other hand refers to a behavioral condition resulting from a disability; it underlines the defects in the brain caused by changed developmental processes.


Luderer, H., & Schulz, M. (1995). “Long-term administration of benzodiazepines—Disease follow-up, sequelae, treatment.” Psychiatr Prax, 22(6), 231–234.

Martin, P. (1986). “Alcoholic organic brain disease: nosology and pathophysiologic Mechanisms.” Neuropsychopharmacol Psychiatry, 10(2), 147–164.

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