Brand Mission and Logo Kaptivate Kulture

The presence of the company’s own mission is a condition for sustainable development and maintaining the competitiveness of the company in the long term. The mission is a necessary attribute for the successful functioning of the company, which defines the purpose of the organization and expresses its individuality (Esi, 2015). To define the mission, management must go beyond their company and its internal environment, trying to look at their business more globally. Thus, the mission of the organization has a polysemantic content: the mission as a philosophy of the company, which reveals its purpose, reflects the meaning of the organization’s existence, its difference from other companies. The mission of the company must be considered in terms of determining the basic needs of consumers and their effective satisfaction; management, in fact, is “creating” clients to support the organization in the future.

The mission does not say anything about the direction of the company’s development, future activities, goals, and business plans. It brings strategic meaning to the company’s activities, generates the desire for excellence, and becomes a platform for staff motivation. The mission should be formulated as clearly as possible in order for it to be understood by all actors interacting with the organization and all members of the organization. Moreover, the possibility of different interpretations of the mission should be excluded, but, at the same time, it is necessary to leave room for creative and flexible development of the company. When developing the mission of the organization, one should not talk about the philosophical aspects of doing business, which many seem to be a pure abstraction. They should answer a specific question – what is the value which the company can provide to its customers.

The mission for Kaptivate Kulture can be formulated as follows: Empowering everybody to express individuality and uniqueness. We create new models tailored to your needs and try to anticipate your desires.

Brand Mission and Logo Kaptivate Kulture


Esi, M. C. (2015). Formulating the mission of business organization by reference to the economic market requirements. Procedia Economics and Finance, 20, 201-207. Web.

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