Branding: Value Case of Coca-Cola Vietnam

A strong brand is one that has high recognition and a positive reputation among consumers. Companies such as Starbucks, Nike, and Apple have achieved this by consistently delivering high-quality products and services and by effectively communicating their brand values and message to consumers, yet not all brand extensions are successful. Therefore, this essay argues that some brand extensions can dilute a brand’s image and reputation if they are not well-received by consumers or if they do not align with the brand’s values and message.

One of the examples for not preserving the brand’s image can be the well-known Coca-Cola Company. In 2010, Coca-Cola launched a brand extension called “Coca-Cola Blak”, which was a coffee-flavored version of the classic Coca-Cola drink (Tien et al., 2019). The product did not perform well, and it was eventually discontinued. The reason for its failure could be that it did not align with the brand’s image and message as a refreshing, classic beverage. To eliminate such mistakes in the future, the company has to follow its brand’s image, consistently portraying the product as it was initially planned.

In my opinion, a company can successfully build a strong brand by consistently delivering high-quality products and services that align with its brand’s values and message. They should also effectively communicate their brand’s message and values to consumers through various marketing channels. It is essential for a company to conduct market research before launching a brand extension to ensure that it aligns with its brand’s image and message and that it will be well-received by consumers. Overall, building a strong brand image is crucial for a company’s success, but it requires consistency in delivering high-quality products and services, effective communication of the brand’s message, and aligning the brand extensions with the brand’s values and message. A company should conduct market research before launching a brand extension to ensure its success.


Tien, N. H., Vu, N. T., & Tien, N. V. (2019). The role of brand and brand management in creating business value case of Coca-Cola Vietnam. International Journal of Research in Marketing Management and Sales, 1(2), 57-62.

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