Budgeting for Lucky Me Animal Rescue Adoption Event


It would be right to begin the discussion about the budget for the Lucky Me animal rescue adoption event by establishing the total amount of money required. Experts state that the initial costs range from “$5,000 to $10,000” (Rescue group best practices, n.d., para. 1). Taking the average of $7,500 from these figures and multiplying that by three results in $22,500, which is a reasonable total budget for such projects. The preliminary or initial phase is planning, which will include such two analytical and assessment activities as the definition and formulation of micro- and macro- goals and milestones and the determination of the needed types and categories of professionals. Regarding budget management, among the activities of the first stage will be the estimation of existing and potential money, material, and human resources. Another one is the calculation and quantitative assessment of the costs of direct inputs, such as event organization and equipment, and secondary ones related to the local tax laws and anti-Coronavirus community measures.

About Inputs, Outputs, and Project Management Methods

Within this non-profit project, budgetary inputs are donations from individual sponsors and various entities and the skills, efforts, and time of the rescue group and internal specialists. It includes equipment and consumables for animals such as “food, bowls, toys, blankets, cages, carriers, collars, leashes, litter boxes, litter” and building for shelter and event (Rescue group best practices, n.d., para. 1). Managerial tools and techniques that will be employed involve milestone planning, logic framework, organization breakdown structure, team building, and resource management (Sensini et al., 2021). The project outputs are considered future achievements such as the number of adopted animals, a developed network of sponsors for future events, and increased community awareness of the organization’s deeds. The project team hopes to use such information from sponsors, donors, and the company as a community network and contacts of experienced marketing and communication specialists. “Delays and cost overrun” are common problems in almost every project in every field (Tahir et al., 2018, p. 21). Methods controlling the scope and schedule, namely scope validation and critical path method, will be applied to prevent these.

On Tasks within the Project Scope Schedule Management

Proper and accurate determination and adjustment of the scope largely determines the feasibility and success of any project. The development and introduction of practices related to “project scope plan, scope control, scope verification and work breakdown structure” make the process of achieving estimated desired outcomes more real and tangible (Abdilahi et al., 2020, p. 2). Time, monetary resources, and output quality are linked to project management, and the latter two highly depend on the factor mentioned first. Tasks such as “outlining the work breakdown structure, identification of interdependencies among activities, sequencing them, estimating task duration, identification of risks involved and finally development of project schedule management plan” allows optimizing activities’ duration (Suresh & Sivakumar, 2019, p. 3351). These project and schedule management procedures will turn the Lucky Me Animal Rescue adoption event into a more economical project and make all responsible stakeholders more cost-conscious.


This short paper discusses the budgetary aspect of the Lucky Me Animal Rescue adoption event. The budget processes and elements described and clarified include the initial planning phase, things that are considered inputs, outputs, and analytical techniques in the Lucky Me Animal Rescue project. Moreover, the status and significance of the scope, schedule and related practices for the future event and preparatory organizational activities were explained as well.


Abdilahi, S. M., Fakunle, F. F., & Fashina, A. A. (2020). Exploring the extent to which project scope management processes influence the implementation of telecommunication projects. PM World Journal, IX(V), 1-17. Web.

Rescue group best practices: Funding your organization. (n.d.). The Humane Society of the United States. Web.

Sensini, L., Shan, A., & Vazquez, M. (2021). Project management tools and techniques and SME performance: Empirical evidence in the context of developing countries. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 11(5), 45-51. Web.

Suresh, D., & Sivakumar, A. (2019). Impact of schedule management plan on project management effectiveness. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 9(1), 3350-3355.

Tahir, M. M., Haron, N. A., Alias, A. H., Harun, A. N., Muhammad, I. B., & Baba, D. L. (2018). Improving cost and time control in construction using building information model (BIM): A review. Pertanika Journal Science & Technology, 26(1), 21-36. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Budgeting for Lucky Me Animal Rescue Adoption Event." May 10, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/budgeting-for-lucky-me-animal-rescue-adoption-event/.


StudyCorgi. "Budgeting for Lucky Me Animal Rescue Adoption Event." May 10, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/budgeting-for-lucky-me-animal-rescue-adoption-event/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Budgeting for Lucky Me Animal Rescue Adoption Event." May 10, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/budgeting-for-lucky-me-animal-rescue-adoption-event/.

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