Bureaucracy Theory: Mind Mapping


The mind map explores and discloses the major ways through which the government influences and fosters the state’s economy. Public management and organizational theories can also be discussed within the ways of controlling and economic influencing. These theories include scientific management, administrative management, participative management, human relations, pre-human relations, human resources, the organizational culture perspective, symbolic management and leadership, and the theory of bureaucracy (Shafritz, Russell and Borick 146). The theory of bureaucracy can be considered as one of the most important organizational theories and should be analyzed properly because it determines and discusses the most effective ways of economic control and the successful resources allocation provided by the government.

The theory of bureaucracy

The theory of bureaucracy has a long history of its development, and it was set in the 1850-1860s. According to this theory, bureaucracy is an organization or a form of institution that functions independently and accomplishes a certain action or task. In the 1920s, the major advances of the theory were developed and deepened by the German sociologist Max Weber. Weber’s work explores several critical features that are core to the bureaucratic theory, and it distinguishes bureaucracy in affecting its activities and tasks concerned with the decision-making process, protection of workforce, and imposing control over resources to achieve organizational goals.

With disregard to all the other forms of authority, bureaucracy stands to succeed on the ground of the rational and legal form of authority (Scott and Davis 425). In this connection, the effectiveness of bureaucracy is attained when an organization has a clear definition of the authority, policies, and regulations. However, the set of features shows that the effectiveness of the bureaucratic theory varies according to the nature of administrative systems provided in a place.


The bureaucratic theory applies in many situations related to public administration and management. Bureaucracy is a dominating and powerful tool used in making decisions or applied in policy processes. Further argument shows that bureaucracy is an influential instrument used to set boundaries for the powerless and the powerful ones. It is applicable in many situations that involve political processes, especially in the activities leading to the achievement of personal goals or even public or societal benefits. In the broader perspective, bureaucracy emerges from failures experienced in the market. This happens when the demand is greater than it can be satisfied with the needed supplied services and goods (Fukuyama 193). In this situation, the process requires effective government control, and it leads to realizing the bureaucratic methods.

Goal sets

In most cases, bureaucracy applies under the conditions of achieving the set goals. These conditions may be determined in terms of duration of time, the needed input effort, and monetary values. However, certain situations stimulate a rise that triggers bureaucracy to exist which is determined by the other unique goal sets such as the power, convenience, security, and prestige of individuals.

On the side of the individuals who advocate for real bureaucracy, they serve the society with impartiality, or in nonpartisan ways that adequately satisfy the community needs (Gormley and Balla). Those individuals with self-interests focus on the delivery of services to the community. Therefore, society can ultimately suffer from deficiencies of the important human services needed and channeled through the particular bureaucracy.


In conclusion, it can be noted that bureaucracy is one of the important theories that the government employs taking control of its national economy through its administrative and managerial systems. The government applies it as part of intervening approaches into the public transactions so that it may generate the needed government services in a way perceived to bring about economic growth and development. Considering the significance of bureaucracy as an indispensable instrument in executing duties and responsibilities, the government should try to find ways of avoiding its negative impacts on society.

Works cited

Fukuyama, Francis. “Why There Is No Science of Public Administration”. Journal of International Affair 58.1 (2004): 190-200. Print.

Gormley, William, and Steven Balla. Bureaucracy and Democracy: Accountability and Performance. Washington: CQ Press, 2008. Print.

Scott, Richard, and Gerald Davis. Organizations and Organizing – Rational, Natural, and Open System Perspectives. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2007. Print.

Shafritz, Jay, Edward W. Russell, and Christopher Borick. Introducing Public Administration. UK: Pearson Education, 2012. Print.

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