Business Analytics as a Tool for Industrial Workers: Benefits and Applications


Business analytics has become a prominent area of study over the past few years. Current technology, as well as the understanding of business management, enables processing and using data in a way that helps businesses to become more successful. Knowledge of processes and tools involved in business analytics is thus crucial for people working in various industries. For me, business analytics is a suitable area of graduate study due to my prior knowledge and experience, as well as my future career prospects.

Main Aspects

First of all, my current work would benefit from a better understanding of business analytics. I work as an account executive in an IT service company, and my job involves supporting IT processes and development of corporate clients. My job is rather diverse in terms of the technical knowledge that I am required to apply to achieve the best results. With a growing interest in business analytics, more and more companies have started to engage in it on a regular basis, which necessitates the improvement of IT infrastructure. Hence, having excellent knowledge of business analytics would assist me in providing high-quality service to clients by enabling me to understand their IT needs better.

Furthermore, business analytics is suitable in my current work context because it would help me to gain a deeper understanding of the market that my clients serve. At the moment, I manage the account of a client operating in the healthcare industry, which has significant IT needs in addition to the complex business environment. Technology has become more prominent in the healthcare sector recently, and it has a significant impact on internal operations and the quality of service provided to customers. Thus, engaging in business analytics would help me to understand relevant processes and forces influencing the use of IT in the market and leverage the use of information technology in my corporate clients, allowing them to achieve a competitive advantage through better IT infrastructure.

Secondly, business analytics is also suitable for me due to my experience in IT and my skills. I have excellent skills in programming supported by in-depth knowledge of IT processes and functions. While working with clients, I apply my analytic skills to understand the clients’ needs and concerns better and ensure the high quality of support I provide to them. Both of these features can help me to succeed in the study of business analytics, thus enabling me to build on my current skills and experience to improve my work and develop my career in the future.

Lastly, the flexibility and importance of business analytics in the current business environment make it crucial to companies in all sectors of the industry. The knowledge of business analytics would be useful for working with clients in a great variety of industries, and hence I will be able to use my new skills and expertise throughout my career as an account executive. Moreover, completing a business analytics course would expand my future career opportunities, since it would enable me to work in other consulting roles.


Overall, business analytics has become a crucial area of study and practice in the modern business environment. Companies operating in various industries use business analytics to understand the needs of the market, as well as other data necessary for their development. Completing a course in business analytics would help me to improve my performance as an IT account executive while also providing me with the skills and knowledge necessary for future career development.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 23). Business Analytics as a Tool for Industrial Workers: Benefits and Applications.

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StudyCorgi. "Business Analytics as a Tool for Industrial Workers: Benefits and Applications." July 23, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Business Analytics as a Tool for Industrial Workers: Benefits and Applications." July 23, 2021.

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