Business Economics: Racial and Cultural Diversity

A correctional agency refers to a person employed by the Natural Resources department in a correctional facility or any country, county, or municipality with the ability to control the release of an inmate serving a term of incarceration. It also consists of the Department of Social and Health Services, the Department of Corrections, and the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board. Cultural diversity refers to the difference among people from their various racial and ethnic compositions, as expressed in their various modes of communication, dress, and customs. Employing a diverse range of people from different backgrounds is crucial for any correctional service. Cultural variety is the bedrock of compassion. As long as one’s way of life does not directly or indirectly cause harm to another person, it should be recognized and embraced.

Racial profiling reduces public safety since it often leads to false positives, causes law enforcement to act blindly, and further alienates minority communities from law enforcement. The future of our children and young people, and by extension, the future prosperity of all people, is threatened by racial profiling’s effects on the school system. Loss of schooling and opportunity, increased juvenile incarceration, encouragement of antisocial conduct, and psychological harm to victims are all results of racial profiling. The criminal justice system might be strained when the number of newcomers rises. Disparities in language and governmental handling of newcomers are two factors that could cause friction. The ability of the criminal justice system to do its job is weakened when immigrants fail to report crimes and let perpetrators go free. An act of violence committed because of the victim’s race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin is a hate crime. Slavery, hanging, rape, and other acts of man-on-man brutality are all consequences of hate crimes.


Bryan, T. (2020). Hate crime, policing, and the deployment of racial and cultural diversity. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 10(6), 1193-1213.

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