Organizational Culture: The Role in Business

Organizational culture is often interpreted as the philosophy and ideology of management accepted by the majority of members of the organization. According to Saha and Kumar (2018), organizational culture is “One of the factors that can influence organizational commitment-job satisfaction relationship.” Subjective organizational culture serves as the basis for the formation of managerial culture.

Regardless of the stage of development an organization is in, and its top management can manage a cultured organization in two ways. The first way should inspire enthusiasm among the majority of the members of the organization. The leader inspires and implements the important values ​​of the organization. This presupposes that the leader has an obvious and sincere personal commitment to the values ​​he believes in. The second method begins, on the contrary, from the lower levels of the organization. Managers must keep track of what is happening throughout the organization while trying to manage its culture step by step.

Bias is an integral element of everyday consciousness. Not a single person is able to independently and creatively respond to all situations encountered in his life. Biases affect work, from how a person thinks to how he communicates with colleagues. Biases are thought patterns that help make decisions while the brain processes millions of pieces of information per second. Bias can be detrimental to company culture and team relationships. There are no advantages to having biases in a person’s personal life or in corporate activities.

There are many factors that influence the decisions made by management in the future of the company. These factors include personal assessments of the manager, the level of risk, the time of decision-making, the changing environment, informational and behavioral restrictions, and the negative consequences and interdependence of decisions. A serious problem is ignoring the future economic consequences of decision-making in order to achieve a high value of the estimated performance indicator in a short period. The problem of the decision-making process in the face of possible negative consequences is to compare the disadvantages of a particular decision with its advantages in order to obtain the greatest overall gain.


Saha, S. & Kumar, S. P. (2018). Organizational culture as a moderator between affective commitment and job satisfaction: Empirical evidence from Indian public sector enterprises. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 31(2), 185.

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