Business Ethics: Honesty and Engineering

The discussion of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators is essential when speaking about businesses and their successes. I agree that motivation is one of the key factors of the necessary work ethics. Motivation for me can be defined as a cause or set of reasons that encourage someone to continue striving and working (Mo & Luangikone, 2021). When life becomes challenging and depressing, it provides hope and clarity. As a result, the entrepreneurial drive is critical in any company. Motivation is also vital for people who work with and interact with entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs must be able to comprehend, apply, and retain their own drive for beginning a firm, as well as persuade others to believe in their vision. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivators are essential for keeping everyone on track and working toward a new business’s objective, whether it is motivating investor groups to offer start-up capital or motivating prospective workers in the early days (Mo & Luangikone, 2021).

However, as it was mentioned, sometimes there are limited opportunities to provide motivation and to implement the motivation strategy. Their emphasis on balance of performance and satisfaction is hard to achieve in certain businesses. Sources of motivation are even more at risk in current pandemic settings when many workers are working remotely, and their performance is hard to motivate. Within these circumstances, already limited resources for motivation are even more scarce. The current businesses are facing a dilemma between comfortable remote work with the inevitable loss of performance and pre-pandemic office work with general workers’ dissatisfaction (Mo & Luangikone, 2021). Probably, the best-case scenario here to maintain the balance between motivation and performance will be a flexible working environment combined with constant performance evaluation leading to salary bonuses and other incentives leading to stable motivation and general job satisfaction.


Mo, K., & Luangikone Davis, J. (2021). Employee Motivation in Remote Work: Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Efficacy’s Role in Employee Motivation for Remote Environments. Linköping University Press

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