Business Presentation: Preparation and Delivery

To many workers, the opportunity to conduct a presentation to their superiors is either a dream come true or a nightmare. Standing before these executives indicates that one is doing a good job; hence, they should strive to turn the opportunity in their favor (Petty, 2018). Nuyen (2018) argues that a person needs to uphold a balance between maintaining their cool and being humble enough to listen to their expertise and input. During preparations, various steps should be followed; one should strive to know their audience and decide on the format that would be more effective for their presentation.

In preparing an effective presentation, some steps are followed. Measures such as aligning with superiors and knowing the audience ensure that every part of the topic is discussed and the presentation is delivered correctly. The following are some of the steps that a speaker should follow.

Aligning with the Sponsors

In preparations for a presentation, a person must get in touch with the individual that invited them. Getting in touch helps ensure that one is aware of the primary intention of the invitation and focuses on the main topic during the presentation.

Knowing the Audience

This part can be difficult, especially if someone is interacting with their audience for the first time. Thus, they need to do more research concerning their audience, and the person who sent the invitation can significantly help them know the audience.

Planning the Message with Caution

Whatever the topic, the person presenting should plan their message carefully. This ensures that the message is well delivered and points are explained in a manner that is easy to understand.

In addition, the process of knowing the audience should focus on certain factors. For instance, they should garner as much biography as possible concerning each audience. Secondly, the speaker should try to understand each of the audience’s areas of expertise. Finally, one should strive to comprehend which audience member is aggressive when questioning things and the type of pet projects these people are undertaking.


Nuyens, A. (2022). How to prepare for presenting to senior executives. Web.

Petty, A. (2018). Surviving and thriving when presenting to executives. Management excellence by art Petty. Web.

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