Business Strategies: Management Issues

Every entrepreneur strives for sustainable business development and improvement of processes within the organization. To do this, various strategies and practices are used to structure the company. One strategy might be to identify the skills and resources needed to conduct the project. Accordingly, with the rapid growth or regression of a business and a change in the trajectory of work, competent specialists can quickly respond to the situation and effectively complete the tasks. In addition, one of the main strategies is to establish an organized management structure (Gulati & DeSantola, 2016). Each function should have a superior, which will allow for faster coordination of work between departments. Employees will be able to bring problems and ideas to their superiors without feeling lost without a manager. Moreover, it will simplify the transfer of information from department to department, as the management structure will be able to prioritize incoming tasks.

An equally important point is the analysis of the market for products or services offered by the company. This will allow you to develop a competent business plan that meets the needs of the entrepreneur. The plan prescribes the actions that need to be taken for an effective sales plan. In addition, the priority task is to establish a culture in the enterprise, which will be subject to each department and employee, including management at all levels (Gulati & DeSantola, 2016). Corporate ethics implies respect and trust in employees, regardless of their position and position. In this case, each element of the organization is aware of its importance and people try to act for the benefit of a common goal. Thus, these strategies are universal and can be applied to every organization. They respond to the ethical needs of employees and help entrepreneurs develop the most effective approach to improve their business model.


Gulati, R., & DeSantola, A. (2016). Start-ups that last. Harvard Business Review, 94(3), 1-16.

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