Interior design is a creative craft used to create beautiful environments to make life more enjoyable. Beauty is an integral part of life, and interior designers use it to make restaurants, hotels, events, and living rooms refreshing, healing, and inspiring. According to Abercrombie’s theory, the configuration of windows, doors, and interaction between spaces serve an essential function as the person who has interacted with the external environment now gets time to relax and unwind (Stern, 2019). Once a person comes inside, the room’s appearance and the arrangement of independent elements speak volumes about the environment. When designing the interior of a building, culture, originality, and traditions must be cascaded so that a person coming into the formation may experience comfort beauty and learn about the culture of the host.
Casa De Vidro Design
Casa De Vidro is a famous glass building designed and constructed by Brazilian architecture, Lina Bo Bardi, in 1950. The building was designed for residential purposes. It embodies interaction between people and nature. The glass wall symbolizes the proliferation of future societies as the glass allows the inside to interact with the outside and know what is happening (Cuperschmid et al., 2019). Abercrombie’s theory is manifested in the design because the configuration and arrangement of the rooms play a crucial role in how the person interacts with the environment. Lina Bo Bardi utilized the theory to show comfort and function, natural light, and visual harmony.
Comfort and Function

Abercrombie explains that once a person enters a building from the outside coming inside, whatever they see in the house determines their comfort and happiness. The comfortable seats illuminated by natural light with beautification pots on tables signify hospitality, warmth, and a public place where guests can relax and feel safer having been protected from the outside unknowns dangers using the glasses. The interior and exterior meet at the location identified because it creates an interface, and the guests appreciate the function of the presented space.
The transition from Public to Private

The glass walls may show interaction between the inside and outside, but the staircase leads to an essential mental transition. When a person climbs the stairs, he is psychologically prepared to leave the outdoor experience for a fresh experience from the inside. As illustrated by Abercrombie, the concrete above the staircase introduces the guest to spaces beyond, which prepares the guests to meet a new environment. A delighting appearance and the people from the inside will experience a change in the light reflecting from the door when a stranger is approaching, and they prepare to receive the guest (Abercrombie, 2018). The balance of the spaces between the staircases shows balance and stability and improves the sense of safety as a person enters the building.
Visual Harmony

Abercrombie uses harmony to show the difference between the shapes of the chairs, table, portraits in the room, and configuration of the window to establish interaction with the outside world. The sits arrangement shows hospitality while the photographs educate the occupants on either the history or displays memories (Brooker, 2013). Setting up a large window to have an outside view shows the interaction between the inside and external environment. In contrast, the fire extinguisher shows preparedness as the occupants can easily access the equipment for their safety.
Casa De Vidro is one of the interior design icons by Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi. She designed it in 1950 to serve as a residential home in the natural environment where the glass walls signified the love for nature and its interaction with the same. The design embodies originality, excitement, and emotional settings, making it hospitable for guests. As a residential place, the interior of a clean furnished space with well-arranged chairs, portraits, and natural light provides warmth and comfort for the visitors and the residents.
Reference List
Abercrombie, S., (2018) A philosophy of interior design. Routledge. 35(1), pp. 7–24.
Balzani, M., Maietti, F. and Rossato, L., (2019) 3D Data Processing Toward Maintenance and Conservation. The Integrated Digital Documentation of Casa De Vidro. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences.
Brooker, G., (2013) Key interiors since 1900. Laurence King Publishing.
Cuperschmid, A.R.M., Fabricio, M.M. and Franco, J.C., (2019) HBIM development of a Brazilian modern architecture icon: Glass House by Lina Bo Bardi. Heritage, 2(3), pp.1927-1940.
Peixoto, M.S., (2018) Three times Modern: three projects, three different spheres, and scales; three other stories. Joelho Journal of Architectural Culture, (9), pp.173-184.
Stern, D., (2019) With a Past View from Winnipeg: Thoughts on the Evolution of Canadian Interior Design Education. Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada/Le Journal de la Société pour l’étude de l’architecture au Canada, 44(1), pp.57-74.