Challenges in Managing Diabetes: Behavior Change and Goal Setting

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This essay discusses the challenges faced by individuals diagnosed with chronic diseases like diabetes, focusing on behavior change. It highlights the difficulties in modifying dietary habits and combining ordinary workouts into daily routines. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals for managing the disease, focusing on observing blood glucose levels.

Challenges to Behavior Change for a Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Patient

Behavior change, especially in the context of managing a chronic disorder like diabetes, can pose significant challenges. The first challenge anticipated is altering dietary habits. For someone recently diagnosed with diabetes, adjusting to a new diet can be challenging, especially if they are accustomed to consuming high-sugar, high-carbohydrate foods (Kharbikar et al., 2021).

The second challenge is incorporating regular exercise into one’s routine. Physical activity is a critical component in managing diabetes, but for someone who has traditionally led a sedentary lifestyle, making exercise a regular habit can be daunting.

Realistic Goals for a Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Patient

Short-Term Goals (3–6 Months)

To manage these challenges, pragmatic and achievable goals must be set. Firstly, a short-term goal (3-6 months) could be to regularly survey blood glucose levels (Schneeweiss & Patorno, 2021). This is a crucial step in comprehending how various foods and activities impact glucose levels. It also helps the patient become actively involved in their care, enhancing their motivation to manage the disease.

Mid-Term Goals (6–12 Months)

A mid-term goal (6-12 months) could be to establish a consistent exercise routine. It does not have to be an intense workout; even activities like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming for 30 minutes a day can make a substantial difference. This goal is realistic given that it does not require any special resources or equipment and can be adjusted as per the individual’s health status and preferences.

Long-Term Goals (1–2 Years)

A long-term goal (1-2 years) could be to achieve and maintain an ideal body weight (Suryasa et al., 2021). Weight management is pivotal in controlling diabetes, but it is a gradual process that requires sustained effort. This goal is achievable irrespective of the patient’s socioeconomic status, as it largely depends on lifestyle modifications rather than expensive treatments or interventions.

Resources Available to the Patient

However, it’s important to note that success in achieving these goals largely depends on the resources available to the patient. Resources can include access to healthcare professionals for regular check-ups, availability of diabetes self-management education programs, and support from family or community. Therefore, healthcare providers must ensure that they assess the patient’s resources and tailor the diabetes care plan accordingly.


Kharbikar, B. N., Chendke, G. S., & Desai, T. A. (2021). Modulating the foreign body response of implants for diabetes treatment. Advanced drug delivery reviews, 174, 87-113.

Schneeweiss, S., & Patorno, E. (2021). Conducting real-world evidence studies on the clinical outcomes of diabetes treatments. Endocrine Reviews, 42(5), 658-690.

Suryasa, I. W., Rodríguez-Gámez, M., & Koldoris, T. (2021). Health and treatment of diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Health Sciences, 5(1).

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StudyCorgi. (2025, March 4). Challenges in Managing Diabetes: Behavior Change and Goal Setting.

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StudyCorgi. 2025. "Challenges in Managing Diabetes: Behavior Change and Goal Setting." March 4, 2025.

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