Changing Perceptions of Women’s Roles in Northern Pakistan

Gender roles are a social and biological issue raised to understand human nature. Roles have been changing since the emergence of humans, and, unfortunately, more often than not, women have not been assigned the most pleasant role. Instead of accessible education, women were limited to reading lessons; instead of fighting freely for their rights, they were forced to raise children; instead of sports, they concentrated on creating a home. But women’s role was subtly and rapidly changing: gradually, women gained their place under the sun and continued their struggles.

Voight, K. & Spies, M. (2020). Female education and social change: Changing perceptions of women’s roles in society in the high mountains of Northern Pakistan. Mountain Research and Development, 40(4), 9-16. 

Voigt and Spies’ work focuses on the changing nature of education and its relationship to women’s social roles. The paper explores how the perception of women’s role in society has changed with the growth of education in the highlands of North Pakistan. The report provides a historical sketch that shows how the internal climate of the community has changed and what results from the society has been able to arrive at. Women’s education was the main criterion by which the changing role of women was measured. The article results showed that education became a way for society to develop at the expense of almost equal opportunity. Educated women became more beneficial to society, developing it and contributing to the community’s transformation. The article drew on retrospective interviews, which reflected both sexes’ actual perception of women in society. Thus, it responds to questions about the changing role of women after education.

TEDxTalks. (2019). Women in modern society | Ana Rivera | TEDxSotoSchool [Video]. YouTube. 

It is an informative video that was published on TEDxTalks. The video provides an overview of today’s role of women in society and how women’s rights were respected in the past, and how they are treated now. The presenter, student Ana Rivera, focuses on the tools modern society uses to demonstrate the women’ role. In addition, Ana shows how feminism as a movement emerged and pays attention to aspects of it that are most often the subject of controversy among sexists and supporters of traditional views. Due to Ana’s confident and calm speech, the audience listens to her with respect, and you can see how her monologue resonates even with the male audience. Ana’s message is accessible, allowing her to quickly convey an important message about the need for research on women’s roles. It is a helpful resource for research, as it helps to direct thought and organize future work.

Armour, N. (2020). Changing the game [Audio podcast]. USA Today Sport. 

A podcast from USA Today Sports consists of dialogues with female sports stars who change the way viewers think about their roles. It raises questions about why current results are not enough and why women must continue to struggle in sports, leadership, and power. Every social aspect requires the inclusion of women to create new ways of dialogue. The podcast contains insights into the representation of women – gymnast Laurie Hernandez explains why the role of women is changing through the lens of sport. Golfer Cheyenne Woods talks about why women should be the ones to come to leadership, rather than waiting men’ help. She points out that through her experiences; women have become more aware of how to fight traditional patterns and what it takes to do so. This podcast shows how the game is changing in the social field, making it a helpful resource for research on women’s roles.

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