Civilization: Interpersonal Communication

People are constantly striving to create a better society and increase the level of interpersonal communication. Individuals usually create groups when they share the same cultural norms and beliefs. This factor is basic, and modern nations are following this step in creating new social groups. Moreover, when people share the same territories, they have to get used to common daily life and ensure that everyone has an equal part of the resources given by this land. Communication has always been important, and people could come to logical conclusions only by communicating and sharing experience (Thibaut et al. 17). When people bond, such emotional aspects as love and friendship appear, and the world becomes more united. Daily tasks become easier when a person is ready to help closest people like neighbors and relatives.

I believe that modern society should not give any legal penalties to those who do not want to be in a specific social group. Every person has a right of choice, and we should not force anyone to join communities. However, every person should stay wise and follow the general governance to keep ethical and moral. Introverts do not relate themselves to any specific community, and this is a healthy choice that should not be judged (Thibaut et al. 28). The pressure from those who want everyone to join any group should also be controlled as the force might be unethical and cause interpersonal conflicts. Volunteering is one of the fast-developing aspects of the modern world, which shows that people who care about others still exist. Those people are supported in many countries, and authorities might consider it a good strategy to strengthen the communication level in the world.

Work Cited

Thibaut, John W., et al. (2017).The Social Psychology of Groups. Routledge.

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