Clean Air to Breathe for Generations to Come

Air pollution kills millions of people and harms the environment in numerous ways. Perhaps recently, considering the pandemic issue, the problem of air pollution has remained in the background, but this does not mean that it is less relevant. Small, invisible particles in the air penetrate deep into people’s lungs and blood. Moreover, air pollution is a severe threat not only to public health but also to the environment. It reduces the oxygen level in the oceans, reduces biodiversity, and contributes to climate change (Environmental Science, n.d.). Thus, there is a necessity for various reforms to prevent the disastrous effect of pollution.

When it comes to the programs established to protect the environment and public health, several of them are well-known in the U.S. For example, the Clean Air Act supplied one of the most notable and efficient initiatives. Since 1970, the Clean Air Act has demonstrated that ensuring human safety and stimulating economic growth can coexist (Progress cleaning the air and improving people’s health, 2022). Due to the air improvement initiatives of these programs, many regions of the United States are now able to reach national air quality requirements designed to safeguard human health and the environment.

Another regulation, the Clean Power Plan was introduced by Barak Obama. It established the first limitations on carbon emissions from American energy plants, the nation’s leading source of contamination causing severe environmental issues (Clean power plan resources, n.d.). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the official Clean Power Plan under the Clean Air Act, introduced earlier (Clean power plan resources, n.d.). The Clean Power Plan should minimize carbon dioxide emissions from power stations while simultaneously offering new possibilities to expand the robust, thriving clean energy sector generating income.

Nevertheless, it is vital to recognize the vast array of opportunities that might allow humanity to safeguard the environment and future generations. For example, a gradual shift to alternative energy and technology has already begun in many developed countries. Eventually, all countries will have to transition to renewable energy resources that limit hazardous particle emissions and greenhouse gases into the environment. The utilization of solar and wind energy is one of the ecologically beneficial and effective options. The initial investment in such projects will ultimately be repaid by the decreased energy costs acquired in this manner. Maximizing the productivity of current equipment, integrating more modern technology in the coming years, and transitioning to environmentally friendly energy sources are the measures that can be considered practical and economically feasible.

The magnitude of the required adjustments would necessitate a complete redesign in several manufacturing industries, municipal governments, and even households. Authorities can do this by using economic incentives such as “green” subsidies for additional motivation. Furthermore, the administration can utilize tax breaks to establish low-emission areas where owners of environmentally friendly vehicles pay less. Additionally, such locations can be made inaccessible for people with cars considered harmful to the environment. This will stimulate the purchase of cars that meet a greater level of environmental safety.

Hence, protecting air quality is especially vital during the era of industrial advancements when companies think mainly of profit and people only think of their lives. Nevertheless, future generations and the overall condition of the environment are at high risk. In this respect, numerous reforms are required to prevent the issue from snowballing. For example, before the authorities introduced the Clean Air Act and the Clean Power Plan that helped dramatically with air quality and emissions. However, reforms that include incorporating “green” subsidies, the introduction of emission-free areas, and a shift to renewable source energy could make the changes even more noticeable.


Clean power plan resources. (n.d.). Environmental Defense Fund. Web.

Environmental Science. (n.d.). Web.

Progress cleaning the air and improving people’s health. (2022). United States Environmental Protection Agency. Web.

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